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26 FDNY Firehouses OUT OF SERVICE Due To Vaccine Mandates!!! #SOS

It is the perfect storm, they say there will be a solar flare on Halloween capable of causing a power outage, imagine New York City in a #BlackOut with LaPalma finally about to break in half after relentless DEW Weapons attacks AKA Earthquakes systematically bringing it to collapse, day after day, creating a 100 Foot Tsunami head straight at a Blacked out New York, with 26 of it's Fire Departments NOW CLOSED and Fire FIghters PERMENANTLY FIRED, the ones WHO KNOW THE CITY -WITH YEARS OF EXPERIENCE GONE!!! With the phones down, and no news channels to warn you of the impending Tsunami so it hits and creates maximum damage with maximum loss of life, the conditions for such a #PerfectStorm to hit New York to Florida, have never been more suited to induce such a disaster as they are at this exact moment in time.

Exhibit A:

26 FDNY Firehouses OUT OF SERVICE Due To Vaccine Mandates-

Plus Exhibit B - La Palma about to collapse into Ocean creating a Giant Tsunami

Exhibit C:

Power Outages

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