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$773,000 wasted on - what anyone with any INTEGRITY Already Knows - #Hisa #Lasix #Studies

Lasix is used to mask drugs that increase a horses speed such as meth or cocaine or that allow a horse not to feel pain, so it can run on injured legs and ankles - which are also prohibited - they don't make the horse faster - they trick the horses mind to allow - it to run on what it would otherwise limp or not put any weight on at all limbs that end up getting shattered during the race or after - and the horse being "vanned off" the racetrack and killed.

Bleeding is the condition - those who want to give Lasix to their horses - will use as an excuse to get a prescription from the vet, yet almost ALL American horses are on Lasix - even though few actually have this condition.

Perhaps the best example of having INTEGRITY and NOT RACING or CONTINUING TO RACE a horse that is bleeding from it's nostrils stems from Native American Culture in the story we have come to know as the "White Buffalo Prophecy" - long story short, the Natives are starving and they hunt a sacred white buffalo to save their people.

The Natives had a very specific method for hunting buffalos, and buffalos held their herds with the men outside and the women inside, then the children inside and the white buffalo in the very center if there was a white buffalo, they could not see well and were sacred to the herd and the Natives and protected by the herd.

The Natives would have a very specific Hunter in mind to kill the white buffalo, named "Brown Bear" with a bay horse, someone who is left handed and will not miss. Only the best of the best shot will do for this job. So they had their best guy on it, and he was in the chase of his life trying to kill this white buffalo, and feed his starving people - he had one shot - he could NOT MISS - his horses hooves are pounding like "Medina Spirit's" at the Kentucky Derby - the horse is GONE - the HUNT WAS ON -until it wasn't - the nostrils of this majestic steed started to bleed - and the Native IMMEDIATELY pulled it up.

Let me say that again, the entire Indigenous tribe was starving to death, and even though Grandpa and Grandma would starve - or the children in the village - he KNEW IT WAS HIS DUTY and what the creator called him to do - was to put his EGO ASIDE - and pull the horse up - that had clearly signaled - by BLEEDING FROM HIS NOSTRILS WHILE OUT RUNNING - he had enough or too much.

That left the next best left handed guy and his horse - to carry on the hunt and the chase - the decision was made this was what they would do - he had one shot - he had to be left handed - he could not miss - he jockeyed his horse into the one spot he could take the perfect shot landing just under the ribs of the buffalo on the left hand side of it by his heart - to save his family and tribe - his heart was pounding out of his chest, his horse was thundering down the prairie - he pulled back his bow and landed his arrow. He saved his tribe from starvation. They BOTH saved their tribe from starvation - by working together - and showing integrity for the horse. They didn't have two years or $775,000 back in those days to fund a study on Lasix to see if that could be given to the horse - to carry on and spare the ego of the original shooter - they had to make a decision in the moment, they KNEW what was right for the horse and the village. THEY KNEW - everyone knows. In the end they were blessed by GOD - who brought plenty of buffalo via the actions of the White Buffalo Calf Woman and the actions of the heroic and dutiful hunters.

You will know them not by their words but by their ACTIONS. XOXO

I provided a snyposis of the story about White Buffalo Prophecy, taken from this youtube video below - he does a lot better job telling the story than I do, so I highly recommend watching this video and hearing it first hand- with all the details missing from my synopsis. Thank you.


The name of the legendary horse in the White Buffalo story - is "Eagle Claws" - which happens to be the name of a racehorse born in 1977 that did not have the legendary success of the Native horse of the same name. XOXO

Now the story of the Calumet or peace pipe.

There is also a story about "White Buffalo Calf Woman" where a beautiful woman comes and teaches them how to use the Calumet - to smoke tobacco and communicate with the Creator/GOD/The Great Spirit. They learn this, and ask for buffalo to eat (Natives could make buffalo last for up to ten years by making it into pemmican - a protein snack they could carry with them).

A little Pemmican can go a long way, the Natives were starving and this beautiful woman appears, who teaches them how to communicate with GOD using the Calumet - or peace pipe - made from sacred materials found in Pipestone, Minnesota. After she leaves she turns into a white buffalo which is sacred to the Natives and the land is then made plentiful with buffalos for them to hunt and thrive off of.

<3 _/\_

This photo was taken of a stone engraved with a message found in Pipestone, MN - at the very quarry they mined the sacred red pipestone used to make the Calumet or peace pipes sacred to the Native American Spirituality.


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