We still don't even know the name of Todd Pletcher's Groom who was just killed in his Florida barn less than a month ago. Was he going to warn us of something?
The plot thickens...as FOUR of Todd Pletcher's horses were just released now from the Kentucky Vet's List - just in time for the Kentucky Oaks and Kentucky Derby.

The "Eclipse Awards" are a big deal for horse racing "journalists" - if you want to call them that - so why on an "Eclipse Award" winning article would the Paulick Report just report it was writing by the Paulick Report Staff?
Did the Paulick Report decide not to use Ray Paulick's name? Is he a liability? Does he have credibility issues? Why is this article written by Paulick Report Staff?

If ANY of these horses breakdown the Trainers, Owners and the ENTIRE KHRC BOARD should be held liable for animal cruelty.
Todd Pletcher's list
Nest - Kentucky Oaks
Shahama - Kentucky Oaks
Mo Denegal - Kentucky Derby
Charge It - Kentucky Derby
John Alexander Ortiz
Barber Road -Kentucky Derby

Mo Donegal is coming off the Vet's List on May 7th, the VERY DAY the Kentucky Derby is run! This is Mo Donegal. Pray for this horse, get justice for anyone putting him in harm's way.

Charge It - Also trained by Todd Pletcher is ALSO coming off the Vet's List the DAY OF The Kentucky Derby which he will then be raced in.

Todd Pletcher Trained "Nest" are being released from the Vet's List TODAY and racing in the Kentucky OAKS TODAY. #RedAlert


Todd Pletcher trained Shahama is also being released from the Vet's list TODAY and racing TODAY in the Kentucky Oaks. #RedAlert XOXO

As if the above Todd Pletcher HOT MESS wasn't enough - there is yet ANOTHER horse coming off the Vet's list trained by John Alexander Ortiz named "Barber Road" who is also running in the Kentucky Derby the SAME DAY as being released from the Vet's List.

Also worth noting.
"Messier" racing in the Kentucky Derby is owned by George Soros (was trained by Baffert).
"Epicenter" trained by Steve Asmussen also racing in the Kentucky Derby as we wait for the necropsy for "Midnight Bourbon" and he is facing two drug positives STILL from 2019.
Going forward I am going to assume the worst until the tell me otherwise with no transparency I have to make sense of things. XOXO

Video of "Midnight Bourbon" before he died.

There are NO coincidences...

Also worth noting, if Todd Pletcher did not already have his hands full with FOUR Kentucky Oaks and Kentucky Derby horses just fresh off the vet's list the respective days they are raced - he also has yet ANOTHER horse racing in the #KentuckyOaks. FIVE HORSES.
"Goddess of Fire"

Very poor planning.
Some would say this is why horse racing needs HISA.
#FunFact HISA hasn't replied to one thing I have tweeted them yet.
If CHRB did their job Bob Baffert wouldn't have a trail of 80 dead horses and this would not have happened.
Everyone needs to start holding their "leaders" accountable for the mess their own livelihoods are in.

So many farmers soon to be out of business that never even put up a fight...XOXO

Despite spending the better part of my year fighting for horses rights and safety - there will still be those saying "You want horses to die" to further your agenda #EndHorseRacing.
I don't need any more dirt. The industry has already provided more than I could have ever wanted or needed. In fact, I didn't want to see any horses hurt - hence why I am here trying to prevent it, and even gave you a list. XOXO

Praying all horses are safe. I don't need any further incidents to prove i was right. The horse racing industry has been supplying me with documented animal cruelty left and right, the trail of dead bodies is a mile long, I got enough already, so anyone saying that...this meme's for you...XOXO
