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America is in decay. Mansions are rotting, entire neighborhoods are rotting & people are living in tents in the streets.

Homelessness, is a HUGE problem in California, Florida, Minneapolis and many other cities in America and it is in the news almost daily. The rampant crime that stems from these drug addicts living unhoused in Minneapolis encampments - free to raid the neighborhoods they "live in" and steal everything but your kitchen sink while you are sleeping - while our Mary Moriarty just gives them a slap on the wrist and the MN Freedom Fund born of the University of MN - pays their bail, so there isn't even a night off from the crime - while they wait in jail for a court date - SKY ROCKETING crime in Minneapolis is undeniable, you can read about it on Twitter @crimewatchmpls in real time. It's depressing and the people living in those neighborhoods have enough problems to deal with these days without adding this to their lives. These people need to be in treatment, six months to get sober - there are plenty of shelters out there for those not on drugs - and the homeless should be in one of them, transitioning to get back on their feet, the streets are only getting worse - more and more violent as the borders are wide open. Getting these homeless people into treatment will benefit the people in the neighborhood immediately as they can reclaim their streets, relax on their porch without hearing gun shots and let the kids play tag in the streets again, and hockey like they used to. The drug addict getting help - will not only help the addict - but everyone who cares deeply about the addict - and if I have learned anything by watching that show "Intervention" it seems that almost ALL of the drug addicts on there - had over 5 people who deeply cared about them and worried constantly they would die or freeze to death on the streets due to their addiction. The Mom's and Dad's who don't want to see their baby die, the kids - who don't want to lose their parent - the spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend, the more you peel back the layers of the onion, you realize that person has potential to beat this, and to become a good person again, GOD can and will do anything just call on him, and obey. Simple as that. As a society we need to get free treatment centers - with six months programs and have people sign on, get them on Minnesota Care to pay for these programs and make them work, hire the best counselors and medical professionals - who are paid on whether the person relapses or not - bonuses in 6 months, 12 months, 2 years, 5 years etc - base the entire bonus payment structure on the results you get. Have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for drug addicts posting up in homeless encampments in residential neighborhoods - put the kids first. The drug addicts will be far better off in 30 days in a clean warm bed, with a nurse helping them detox, then they will be geeking out in the streets or breaking into someone's home and getting shot in the head. In six months, they will be eligible or hopefully eligible - depending on their situation - to get their own apartment and get their children back, many of these people have lost custody of their kids due to their situations. They will get their paperwork back, their identities, including items such as drivers licenses, social security cards, etc. that may have been lost or stolen on the streets - they need to rebuild their lives. We need this transitional housing for the entire community to heal. We start here.

I have spent a fair amount of time these past few weeks - watching videos on YouTube - just driving through communities in Iowa (Fort Madison), Michigan (Detroit), Minneapolis, Louisiana, Miami - and I am just amazed at what I am seeing - the condition of all of these run down and shuttered communities. The store fronts that once had bars, grocery stores, drug stores, banks etc - your typical main street are all boarded up and closed. The neighborhoods around them, over half the population is living on welfare, and their homes are literally falling apart around them with them inside of them. I have seen countless mansions across America and Europe also falling into serious decay (check out the Bros of Decay channel on youtube). America is rotting from sea to shining sea. It's not just that we have a homeless population, the next level up, is an entire population of people living on welfare that live in homes with broken windows, with boards on them, with varying levels of damage, including water damage from hurricanes, to roof damage, leaky ceilings, leaky pipes, mold etc - with a very depressing vibe, that says - this community is dying, do not stop here - keep going.

You can view some of these videos here, you may be as shocked as I was to see America the Beautiful - looking like she was ran hard and put away wet.

Who did this to her?

In a country that takes in billions in taxes, NONE of it is being used to help animals or people. In a country that takes in billions in charity, NONE of it is being used to help animals or people. In a country that should look phenomenal - bright, shiny with new homes w/ new windows and new doors and perfect lawns, I am seeing the opposite of that - grim everywhere - city to city - coast to coast. You will hear everyday about how unemployment is at record lows, bullshit look at the proof in the videos - entire communities one after another after another all welfare cities by design. There is no getting a job in town when all the buildings in said town are all burned down and/or boarded up - closed, there are NO opportunities in countless decaying cities in America.

At the same time, as we turn a blind eye to all this abject poverty all over America now, like a plague - we open our borders, so those with the least can try to feed the blizzard of starving and penniless foreigners begging THEM for help!!! This is madness.

First we have to save ourselves, then help others. To do anything else America will drown under the weight of the problem without the infrastructure in place to hold it up.

"When you give to others what you don't have to give" - you make them a thief - because they are taking from you what you need. Stealing from Paul, in taxes to pay Peter - makes the IRS a thief, and it makes Peter a thief and it makes Paul poor. Nobody wins in that situation.

Like Nick Johnson says - "If we don't know about these tragedies, how do we fix them?" "The scariest movie - is when you don't even see the monster at all."

Putting everyone on welfare is the death of the nation.

Just like we need to build treatment centers - we need to build - trade schools in all of the run down cities - trade schools for plumbing, hvac, windows, roofing, siding, electricians, painters, masons, pool cleaners, farmers etc. - look at all the work in the video. Every single one of these old dilapidated buildings and homes you see in these videos need those workers - the money is there - to pay them, it is being spent on welfare, and being funneled to Ukraine and Israel, just like you can build a dam to change the direction you want a river to flow, you can do the same with the steady stream of billions we send to Ukraine and Israel and build these trade schools, trade businesses, and channel all that money into fixing these homes and buildings in America. Imagine how clean this place will look in five years - we can have a five year plan to pay this guy who made these videos to re-make them, we can use them as a road map of what needs to be fixed and then in five years pop some corn and celebrate what we did neighborhood by neighborhood, created jobs, cleaned up neighborhoods, re-opened hospitals, schools, hotels and drug stores - created hope - cleaned up our people and made ourselves a nation we can be proud of. Bringing all of those good paying jobs into these communities will bring the structure needed to build families - and bring life back into these otherwise forgotten neighborhoods. We reap what we sow, so let's plant extravagantly - let's create the world we want to live in - instead of standing around watching all of our money get diverted to serial killers in Ukraine and Israel.


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