According to the Vaers own data Johnson & Johnson has killed over 88 people. How many people does a company have to kill before it is labeled a serial killer?
For comparison sake - how many people did Hannibal Lecter kill?

For comparison sake - Serial Killer - Killer Clown John Wayne Gacy killed 33 people. Versus Johnson & Johnson's 88 (short term), long term still unknown. XOXO

Jack the Ripper's death toll pales in comparison to Johnson & Johnson with only 5 victims to their 88 and counting.

Evidently it is unknown how many people serial killer Ed Gein has killed, some say 1 some say 5. Either way, still far less then just Johnson & Johnson alone.

Evidently Joe Biden's poll #s have hit a "historical low" along with Kamala Harris's. I can't imagine why... :/ XOXO

Statistically you are safer at a party with John Wayne Gacy, Jack the Ripper, Ed Gein AND Jeffrey Dahmer ALL AS GUESTS there, then you are getting the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. XOXO

Now let's go to Vaers/CDC website and do a search, see how many DEATHS from the Covid Vaccine THEY ARE REPORTING as of 11/20/21...XOXO
