If you are not questioning what is happening in the world right now you are DOOMED.
You may have already even been vaccinated. My condolensces.
For the rest of you, we are going to have to live on this hell hole we are letting some old fools create for us, crime is sky rocketing, malls and restaurants are shuttering their doors, courts are lined w/ mile after mile of people getting evicted and/or sued by their credit card companies who were all very well compensated on their behalf with their money ALREADY w/ bank bailouts and PPP Loans. The judges are very good at looking past that though and siding with the Big Banks.
If you start asking questions about these "friendships" and coincidences you see all over the place, all roads of evil leading to the same Temple - if you happen to mention you may get called an anti-semite, but if someone should call you that for simply questioning why you can't walk to school anymore without getting violently assaulted - and you realize George Soros & B Wayne Hughes policies are what caused the courts to side with the criminals over the victims - you will see a pattern, if you follow the money it all leads to one place. If you say something you get called an anti-semite - but say something anyway...because the person calling you that is Anti-Goyim. XOXO


Why do you think Elon Musk really bought Twitter and is doing everything in his POWER to self implode it??? If Twitter was a REAL BIRD they would have grounds to charge him w/ animal cruelty.

Don't listen to what Elon says he is a Golden Tongued manipulator.
Look what he DID.
He fired everyone at Twitter & locked the doors.
He re-instated their MOST HATED Tweeters first Trump AND the lady who held his severed head in her comedy routine Kathy Griffin, to turn off any potential hater of theres, so the people will boycott Twitter #GoWokeGoBroke Elon's WokeAF now in every direction.
Twitter shouldn't have banned Trump to begin with, I HATE Trump but he has not been convicted of a single crime yet. #TeflonDon. Neither has Kathy come to think of it. Odd isn't it? Severing the active Presidents head as a joke used to be frowned upon if not illegal.
Anyway's he is imploding Twitter over 1/2 of the investors have left the building, the employees are all quitting or quiet quitting and Elon himself has been spotted getting shadow banned. Even worse Twitter support ignored my tweet, they don't even care. Talk about a hostile take down from inside Twitter Headquarters.

It's "funny" to me how the Minneapolis Star Tribune newspaper, the paper that was once dropped on your door for 35 cents a day is now behind a PAYWALL.
They only got $10 million of our tax payer dollars to lock us out of our local news. What a great way to spend our tax dollars fellow Minnesotans. Our kids who can't afford lunch let alone the fee to read this article, are going to be uneducated and locked out, maybe you can use your "privilege" and print it out for them, print out other articles upon request, do a solid, help them get over the fence. I am not suggesting you steal news, I am not suggesting you leave them in the dark for eternity either. There has to be a better way.
I am not saying the Star Tribune was paid to flame the flames during the George Floyd Riot in our PPP $10 million dollars in tax money but I am not saying they didn't do exactly that either. But I refuse to pay their fee, because it enables them to continue. Silence is consent, and paying them is straight up supporting their very bad and very unethical behavior.

Now again with this link.
We already PAID THEM ONCE with our tax dollars.
We got NOTHING BACK, there is a paywall on this too. #GoodGrief XOXO

If you paid for a membership to the Star Tribune already and can access either one of these articles, holler at me on Twitter @ilovehorsenews - let me know what you thought about them, let's discuss. I wonder what I missed. What I paid for but never received.
