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California Horse Racing Board Executive Director Scott Chaney Points Finger At HISA For INCREASE In Horse Deaths for 2023. XOXO (link to story where below photo of Scott Chaney CHRB Executive Director is from).

Photo of CHRB Executive Director Scott Chaney - (above) who is pointing the finger at Hisa - Lisa Lazarus as the reason horse racing deaths ARE UP IN CALIFORNIA in 2023 despite Hisa's $72 million dollar price tag and Lisa Lazarus and her half a million dollar a year salary - which is HUGE compared to the fact Dina Alborano of ICareIHelp Ex RaceHorse (Thoroughbred) Rescue - received a mere $340,000 in donations for her rescue which pulled 150 thoroughbreds from kill pens and offered them to the public to adopt for free! Lisa Lazarus hasn't pulled a single horse from a kill pen, hasn't replied to a single one of my hundreds of tweets or emails, and now Scott Chaney of the California Horse Racing Board is blaming Lisa Lazarus and her team of HISA GOONS - for the INCREASE IN HORSE DEATHS IN CALIFORNIA AT IT'S MOST CRUCIAL AND CRITICAL LIVE OR DIE MOMENT!

I need popcorn for this drama today folks.

This just proves that if you rescue horses from kill pens you will be BROKE AF.

If you ignore the problem and blow smoke up everyone's ass and smile and look pretty while ignoring everyone - you will be handsomely rewarded. #SellOuts

And now it's your own fault, it's your own circus, it's your own house of cards, it's your own karma for your cruelty to your horses and your disloyalty - letting a horse you should have provided for - for the next 30 years - let it's throat get cut. The industry is crumbling...and so it is. End of story. XOXO

Lisa Lazarus Versus I Care I Help's Horse Rescue Dina Albarano.

Let's compare #s and accomplishments. XOXO

To put it bluntly - Dina Alborano had 150 mouths to feed besides her own.

Lisa Lazarus only has one - her own. Now she is one FAT CAT. XOXO


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