Tonight Good Rules over Evil! Light your candles and bring them outside, join me and light up the darkness, not only tonight but every night - let Good Rule Over Evil! XOXO

From the lights in the darkness we rise, we brighten everything!!! And So It Is... #OneLove #OpUnity XOXO
Update: When I light my candle for Diwali and placed it outside - I was not alone, I could see a neighbor's candle in the distance - flickering it's intent. I live in the United States - I wish we could see a overview of the U.S. on the night of Diwali as we have India - this holiday is gaining fervor here. We ALL want to see the light descend on the darkness. It is the light of that second candle, holding it's own in the vast darkness between us, that brings me hope. #OneLove XOXO
#TogetherWeCanDoGreatThings #TogetherWeWIN #OpUnity #OneLove XOXO <3 _/\_
#FunFact We are Epic, Magical, Divinely Inspired, Eminently Powerful beings made of stardust capable of anything we focus our powerful and creative minds on!