As it turns out the CDC is a 501C3 Charity and they made a HUGE profit off the #RonaHoax.
What is crazy is that we let a CHARITY mandate our landlords - and create government POLICY for PRIVATE BUSINESSES AND LANDLORDS forcing private home owners to rent their homes FOR FREE for over a year, losing over $24,000 and up - of money from their own pocket for total strangers who were either deemed "unessential" - and forced out of work or who simply chose not to pay their rent during this time of "Protection" by the CDC. I use the term "protection" losely because all of the deadbeat tenants who did not pay their rent still got dragged into court and evicted and now have that $24,000 debt PLUS attorneys fees on their credit reports making it impossible for them to buy a home now, or get out of debt. So when the market crashes the renters will NOT be a threat to Vanguard or Blackstone (Jewish Owners of Churchill Downs) who plan to buy up all of your homes.
The middle class landlords, mostly elderly people with a side hustle - rental property - still had to pay the banks their mortgage and unlike many of the FOREIGN corporations who own most of the rental apartments, some of the private home owners - also rent their property but having to shell out an extra $24,000 they had not planned on just to pay the mortgage, for a cost they were NOT reimbursed on - by bad tenants - perhaps through no fault of their own - as they didn't lose their jobs due to anything that was their fault - and this would be enough for them to sell their house, not wanting to go any further into debt, realizing this is NOT a side hustle this is a financial nightmare for them. They in turn will sell their homes dirt cheap to Jewish Owned Blackrock and Vanguard.
Did the CDC do all this out of the goodness of their hearts? To help the plandemic help out their Jewish Friends in Blackrock & Vanguard own up all the property in the U.S. as part of the NWO plan - you will own nothing and like it? OR did they wet their own beaks a little? Why does a charity need over $200 Million dollars. Let's look at the Tax Returns for the CDC 501C3 Charity before and After the #RonaHoax. Shall we?
The Tax Return taken from the CDC's own Website lists their 2018 tax return as them having over $111 Million dollars in Assets as of 2018.

That # skyrocketed to $259 Million in Assets in 2020 for the CDC.

Some of you might be baffled by this, as I myself was.
Further baffling me, is the fact that there are people living in moldy shelters after losing their homes in Florida to Hurricane Ian. The Red Cross has raised hundreds of millions of dollars on their behalf and is in fact actively sitting on $3 Billion $266 Million that could be used across the country to help all those devastated by wildfires, hurricanes, floods and tornados. I have reported this to the FBI and police over a week ago and I have been entirely ignored, you can see the link here.

Now let's take a closer look at the ASCPA with all those pathetic and heartbreaking Sarah McClachlan Commericals like this one here.

They want your little $1.64 PER DAY, I do not think you can buy a coffee at Caribou or Starbucks for that little amount of change even, and they are currently sitting in an office in the Upper East Side Fancy Schmancy - about 5 minutes from one of the WORST KILL SHELTERS IN AMERICA the NYC ACC who DAILY has dogs and cats on death row, that DIE when the money isn't raised for their "bail".
Well it sounds like they desperately need money to save them after all that but I assure you that is NOT THE CASE their Tax Return shows they are hoarding $407 Million dollars.

A closer look at other Jewish Organizations hoarding money donated for the greater good.
WILL YOU SAY SOMETHING or let it happen?

The Helen Brach Foundation which is supposed to be a charity set up by the Brach Candy Family - to help animals, is hoarding $120 Million dollars let by a jew as well.
To Add insult to injury Helen Brach was murdered - most likely for this cash.

Remember all that money the Clinton's raised to help the Haitians?
Instead they used it to pay for Chelsea Clinton's wedding and her apartment which spans an ENTIRE CITY BLOCK In NEW YORK and she is married to a Jewish man with little to no income. Explain that.
Explain why the Clinton's are just sitting on all this money meant to help the devastated Haitians???
Why is Chelsea Clinton living HIGH OFF THE HOG when the Haitians are living in squalor?
The $353 Million dollars that the Clinton Foundation is just sitting on could entirely rebuild Haiti with free homes for everyone, no?
