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Disgraced Former University of Louisville Head Tennis Coach Rex Ecarma-was behind the wheel of the

2015 Honda Pilot that allegedly struck and killed Miguel Mena on October 31st, 2021.

Here is more information on Rachelito Rex Ecarma.

My sources have confirmed this to be . XOXO

Of interest is the fact, when Churchill Downs had the issue with the Sheik's daughter, and him being in the Kentucky Derby, it was a University of Louisville Attorney, who was the name behind it all.

This isn't the first time the University of Louisville has had a "run in" with Churchill Downs - so to speak.

However, it is of more interest to me in this matter to find the name of the Lyft Driver who was driving Miguel Mena - when he got out on the highway to cross the street and was struck by Rex Ecarma and killed.

Miguel Mena had a bad ankle injury and would not have been hobbling across a busy highway after dark for no reason trying to get away from an Uber driver without establishing some sort of alternate transportation, unless he was in fear for his safety - that is my opinion. What is yours?

Hmmm I wonder if Coach Rex Ecarma knew Louisville's other Coach, from Wyatt law firm, you know the one that is partnered with attorney Maggi Moss who owns "Native Ruler" who was ridden by the now deceased "Miguel Mena." What a small world...XOXO

Oh look where he works...hmmm

and he happens to just so be a "partner" wow...

Why doesn't Bob Baffert's attorney just have Bob Baffert train his horses???

Exchange services, IDK? Barter perhaps?

Manuel Mena was a jockey for attorney Maggi Moss who was partnered with the law firm Wyatt that has ties with the University of Louisville who employed the driver who struck and killed $2 million plus earning Jockey ranked #15 of all times at Churchill Downs Manuel Mena on October, 31st 2021.

What a tangled web we weave, evidently Maggi Moss's business partner, is also the attorney for Bob Baffert, the one with close ties to the University of Louisville legal staff.

Wait so Bob Baffert's attorney was once partnered with Maggi Moss and both Maggi Moss and Bob Baffert claim to be scammed by the same guy, and AGAIN Maggi Moss is having trouble finding homes or rescues to take on her unwanted racehorses??? How many times do we have to keep hearing the same story over and over???

When will the public demand Maggi Moss fund her own horses retirements? Hasn't she won enough money??? How many millions upon millions do you have to win to care for YOUR OWN horses???

Good Grief...Not this story...AGAIN...XOXO

"he helped her retire her horse when no one else could..."

She has won over $50 million in horse are a millionaire Maggi Moss for crying out loud spend $500,000 and buy a farm for your horses retirement on YOUR OWN DIME.

You are not a pregnant homeless runaway teenager acting like a victim trying to find a home for your baby, this has happened time and time and time again.

"Fuhrever Dancing" Maggi Moss owned horse she is referring to, had it's last race at Thistledown where it was said to be a "No Factor". Link

Maggi Moss claimed to own "Fuhrever Dancing" when?

When was "Fuhrever Dancing" raced at Monmouth park? Show me on this Equibase chart where it says "Monmouth Park"? Why would she have a reason to lie about how she met or how she knew evidently this Pippen guy owes her money? Does she just dump her horses off on anybody willing to take them?

If Maggi Moss is involved cue Ray Paulick for the cover up it

Were the emails really fake or can they be forwarded??? If so forward me a copy

Such close ties to Joe Drape at the NY TIMES sort of like the Louisville law firm that dropped the story about the Sheikh during the Kentucky Derby. XOXO

Another one of Maggi Moss's former horses "gifted" to someone. What a burden of an expensive lifetime of care lifted off Maggi Moss eh?

I wonder what that tape recording would be worth this day and age...prolly quite valuable no?

Evidently buying horses from Maggi Moss and recording Bob Baffert did not end well for this Pippen guy he is now in Federal Prison for some other crime related to horse ownership.

Update: It is worth noting - Rex Ecarma is STILL on the payroll, until 2023 actually of the University of Louisville, despite being disgraced and having been fired.

As of the time of Miguel Mena's death, Rex Ecarma who hit him with his vehicle, on Halloween night, was employed by the University of Louisville.

So they are paying him $150,000 a year to do nothing???

Why is the California Horse Racing Board Blocking my e-mails? Is it because they are financially invested in Baffert again? What gives? XOXO

Update: The Courier Journal's Tim Sullivan has released the story...

Churchill Downs ties to Wyatt Law firm

With such close ties to the employer that killed Jockey Miguel Mena, in hindsight the vigil held at Churchill Downs seems HIGHLY INNAPROPRIATE, no?

So wait...The same attorney is representing Churchill Downs where Miquel Mena was last seen before he was killed by a Coach from Louisville University a school ALSO represented by the same law firm? WYATT????

Soooooooo that begs the question who was driving the Lyft, that Miguel Mena allegedly left before his death...if he was dead on the scene how do they know he got out of a Lyft?

Update: Last seen alive at Churchill Downs on Sunday morning before his death at 7:30 P.M. in the evening on Halloween, it is a shocking coincidence that both Churchill Downs AND the victim AS WELL AS THE DRIVER WHO KILLED HIM - have the SAME ATTORNEY - BOT THE VICTIM AND THE KILLER AS THE VENUE OF THE LAST PLACE HE WAS SEEN??? WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF THAT???

From cartoonist to Cartoon...XOXO

Editor's Note and Opinion

I have seen and read the police report written by the Jeffersontown Police Dept. it makes ZERO MENTION of a Lyft Driver or the victim exiting ANY vehicle, only states he was a pedestrian crossing I-64 Westbound.

If there was a Lyft vehicle involved, why wasn't it mentioned in the police report?

Who added in that info?

If that never happened, then he was last seen at Churchill Downs killed by a man who has the same attorney as Churchill Downs. Bottom line. #FishyAF XOXO

Taken from a screen shot of the police report regarding the accident that allegedly caused the death of Miguel Mena on October 31st, 2021 in Louisville, Kentucky.

Either he was exiting a "ride share vehicle" or he wasn't...if he was it should be in the police report along with the "ride Share vehicle's" name of their company and the name of the driver, along with their statement. Why is this missing from the police report and why is it being reported by Fox?

Did Rick Sanders give a statement to Fox news and leave it out of the police report?

I am confused here...

This seems like a very significant detail we need to lock down.

Note: This is my second blog on Miguel Mena more details here from previous blog...XOXO

Lyft or No Lyft - that is the BURNING QUESTION HERE...

If there is NO LYFT DRIVER, then the name of the person who killed him is INCREASINGLY IMPORTANT...

If no name is revealed and the police report not updated, I am going to have to go with the facts of the police report I have on hand -with NO RIDE SHARE MENTIONED. XOXO

If the driver who hit Miguel Mena never hit the breaks either it was intentional or he never saw him. If it was the latter, how would he know he got out of a ride share vehicle? If he was dead how would the responding police dept know that he got out of a rideshare vehicle if he never saw him coming, and never hit the brakes? If it is the former, then maybe the rideshare vehicle never existed...where did this story originate from and who put it out there to mislead? When are we going to know the answer, it seems awfully important.

Where are the names of the rideshare vehicle company and driver? Why are they missing from the police report yet reported as facts by Fox news already? How can it be?

Where is the source of the information about the Lyft Driver? Who was the Lyft Driver and WHAT did he "debate" with Miguel Mena, that made him flee the car on a highway with a permanent ankle disability, at night time, immediately prior to his death where he was struck by a Honda Pilot driven by Tennis Coach from University of Louisville Rex Ecarma?

That must have been some debate...that he lost his life over it.

It seems notating these details in the police report would make it easier for the officers investigating to follow up on them, no?

I have reached out to Lyft for comment and have heard nothing back. I will update this if they return my e-mail asking for clarification?

I have contacted the editor and asked them to properly cite this website, you can copy and share my posts no problem, but please at least provide a proper link and the proper website name, that is responsible journalism no?

Yahoo...same story, they too have been asked to update...this is not responsible journalism or the proper way to cite a source now is it? Yahoo has also been contacted and asked to make the necessary correction to cite the correct source. Hopefully they do the right thing. XOXO

Life is full of miracles, and kind people, some of the most beautiful moments are born in the darkest hours...XOXO

What a wonderful thing to do, for Miguel Mena's surviving wife and kids. My heart truly breaks for them, hopefully we can find them the answers they will undoubtedly be looking for the rest of their lives, regarding the death of their Fathers. I'll ask the tough questions now, so they won't have to always wonder...what happened after the clues are long gone.

Thoroughbred Daily News has also ran with the Lyft Story...and may be the original poster.

where is the confirmation of this @thoroughbreddailynews, when are you going to publish my comment? What is the hold up? XOXO

Why censor this?

How long will it take Thoroughbred Daily News to report on this?

We'll wait...XOXO

They were quick to announce the unverified Lyft story the day after he died though...

When did Rex Ecarma delete @Rx11 on twitter and why???

And Just like that...***Poof it's gone***

Hiding something???

Update 11/6 The mirror does a Story on Miguel Mena again cites Rick Sanders as the source, this time instead of stating it was a Lyft vehicle states it was his car. When is Rick Sanders going to clarify, if it was a Lyft driver, or other vehicle as stated now by the Mirror?

How did Miguel Mena get to the highway, who drove him there???


This would imply that Miguel Mena's car was on the scene.

I can assure you NOTHING like that was in the police report.

There was no mention of how he got to the middle of the highway.

Why did an employee of the University of Louisville, Rex Ecarma who is still on the payroll have a PPP loan?

Who is his employee?

Where did these funds go?

Why is he getting PPP when he is still on the payroll with the Univeristy of Louisville with a SIX FIGURE SALARY that doesn't expire until 2022 even though he NO LONGER WORKS THERE???

How much dose Rex Ecarma get paid to do NOTHING???

Update 11/23/21

Rex Ecarma was a coach at the U of Louisville, two weeks after the death of Miguel Mena ANOTHER former coach at the U of Louisville bought a racehorse for close to $800,000.

Is that a lot of money for a college coach to spend on a racehorse when the sport is collapsing, how long has this deal been in the works?

What other ties are there?

Is it possible Rex Ecarma knew Miguel Mena, this is a very tight knit group no?

Close ties...evidently winstar farms that profited off the sale of Strave by U of Louisville COACH Denny Crum - also HIRED Miguel Mena, he was a jockey for them. Very close ties who was driving the car that kicked him out on the highway? Follow the paper trails...

Evidently Rex Ecarma not only KNEW Coach Denny Crum who just bought a horse from Winstar Farms' the man who he killed's former employer.... who he happened to just run over and kill in Louisville - he also wanted to be JUST LIKE HIM!!!

Close ties between Rex Ecarma and Denny Crum are public. Small world.

What are the odds Denny Crum would buy an $800,000 horse (how will he EVER earn that back in today's market - winning the Kentucky Derby only nets you $3 million, now subtract training fees, boarding, hay, shots, all the needle training etc. - drug masking, yada, yada yada, how will he ever turn a profit?

How many $5,000 claimers can a horse run without getting claimed if it isn't Kentucky Derby material, can Denny Crum afford a loss like that?

What are the odds that Denny Crum would buy a horse from the SAME EMPLOYER of the guy (Miguel Mena) who was killed just weeks earlier by his co-worker Rex Ecarma???

What are the odds of that happening?


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