What are the odds, the same guy who had the failed drug test results for "Justify" (scopolomine/Jimson weed) - two weeks before the Kentucky Derby - would be the SAME GUY who is now in charge of the CHRB (California Horse Racing Board) under Governor Gavin Newsom.
A closer look at the ties that bind...XOXO

When Justify failed his drug test - Dr. Greg Ferraro was head of the Equine Dept lab at UC Davis where the test was performed.
They had the failed test results two weeks BEFORE the Kentucky Derby, if the lab had posted the results to their website or put Justify on the vets list - he would have never ran in the Kentucky Derby and never won the triple crown.
That same Vet - Dr. Greg Ferraro was then made the head of the CHRB - California Horse Racing Board which WILL NOT ban Bob Baffert and covers up for them every chance they can get.
He has over 80 dead horses and 32 failed drug tests.
Dr. Greg Ferraro has publicly stated he would not be alive today if it were not for Jon S. kelly who helped him get a "life saving operation in louisville" and Jon S Kelly also donated to the hospital while Dr Greg Ferraro was head of the Equine Dept at UC Davis.
Jon S. Kelly owns race horses - trained by Bob Baffert.

Is it a FURTHER conflict of interest that the LAB at UC DAVIS where CHRB Chair - Dr Greg Ferraro had the FAILED DRUG TEST RESULTS FOR JUSTIFY TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE KENTUCKY DERBY??? Justify was owned by George Soros-NY TImes donor...XOXO
