at Kentucky Derby 2022, and with all things horse racing there is plenty of drama to go around. I imagine we can count on Churchill Downs to keep their word on full transparancy and roll the video footage, no? XOXO

Now Ray Paulick along with Marty McGee and other's who have joined their calls of attack, #CircleTheWagonsClub - are calling for Ed Musselman editor of Indian Charlie newsletter to be banned from the same race tracks who support the Paulick report financially.
If you do not think this is about control of horse journalism think again. Reminder- Ray Paulick was working for alleged Mossad Member - Ghislaine Maxwell's Dad - Robert Maxwell at the time of his death. XOXO
(More on the background fight between Ed Musselman and Ray Paulick when he coined the term "Crack Pipe Paulick" - here.
Ray Paulick has also blocked me on Twitter, so much for transparency. XOXO

Is this a war on horse racing journalists? Isn't there enough room for everybody? Why try to spread this "Cancel Culture" - imagine a world where we ban journalists because we don't like what they write.
If it's libelous sue. Yet not ONE specific example of libel exists. We have all seen the police report for Ray Paulick, right? XOXO
End of story.

I asked Daily Racing Forms Marty McGee for comment. XOXO

Evidently Ed Musselman of Indian Charlie is no stranger to drama at Churchill Downs, C.P. Paulick's version of events of another incident 6/26/14 between Ed Musselman and
Roman involving a fist fight also allegedly took place there. XOXO
Evidently Romans pants were dropped during the incident. Maybe a belt might be a good idea after losing all that weight...XOXO

Dale Romans also accuses Ed Musselman of stalking him, a theme al to familiar to this writer - by members of the horse racing community who have hired Grostyan Investigations AND OTHER REAL LIFE AND CYBER STALKERS to do the same to me. XOXO

Noticeably absent from the dispute are Ray Paulicks buddies Maggi Moss and Victoria Keith. Why are they NOT circling the wagons with CP Paulicks other "friends"? Loyalty is a one way street evidently. XOXO
#Crickets from them.

Those who are circling the wagons with Ray Paulick include Caton Bredar and of course "Shhh Let It Happen Donna Brothers"

Caton Breder retweeting. #CircleTheWagons is what they do. XOXO

For the record I stand with free speech, if you have a libel claim take that up in a courtroom, but so far I have not seen a single case for libel?
Point it out to me...otherwise to me - in my opinion- the cyber bullies look like CP Paulick and friends trying to cover up more info, cover up more comments, censor everything. Same story with everything else. XOXO
Of Course not everyone stood with Marty McGee and CP Paulick. Suprising as it may be there are still a few horse racing insiders who stand with Free Speech and Freedom Of The Press. XOXO
I agree 100% with this statement by @StableGeniustm
"Someone who Portends to be a journalist should at least pretend to be for Free Speech."
