Good Grief. At this point there is NO DOUBT in my mind, after watching the restaurant industry destroyed by Corona Lockdowns, all the local family owned restaurants going under one after another, after another, all the big corporations moving in to systematically destroy the small ones, and turn them in to one big conglomerate.
It started out innocent enough, with that movie "You've Got Mail" where the big bad Fox of Fox Books is played by Tom Hanks who of course falls in love with the lady played by Meg Ryan who owns the small family owned bookstore down the corner, once proudly owned by her own Mother. She of course loses her small business after the huge book store comes into town, but you are left feeling great about it, because she marries Tom Hanks and now has even more money, a bigger book store and a husband.

In reality it is not that charming. It is ugly and depressing watching small businesses fail, especially ones that are part of the local charm and culture of a city that is being thrown to the dogs by it's leadership. A city that was once a charming, fun and exciting place to hang out and attend Vikings, Twins and Timberwolves games, and go out for a few drinks afterwards, turn into a war zone, with the shot spotter going off every five minutes and people getting shot in drive bys and carjacked. It is definitely no longer a city you would bring your girl friends to visit any longer. A city they once had epic times exploring and patronizing. A city long gone thanks to the intentional destruction organized systematically by it's democratic leaders from Mark Dayton, Tim Waltz, Jacob Frey, to Ilhan Omar and all of them in between.
Just as the intentional destruction of the city of Minneapolis was done by the Democrats led by Mark Dayton, Tim Waltz, Jacob Frey and Ilhan Omar, so too was the intentional destruction of the horse racing industry. There has been money all along - low hanging fruit, to retire these horses to pasture, the need for regulation in the gaming industry - the financial part of it, should have orchestrated the necessary changes thirty years ago. It has intentionally fashioned itself as a parasite suckling blood money out of casinos, and tax payers to give to purses to the owners of racehorses who so far have been above the law, despite heinous crimes and finding horses by the dozens in kill pens, heading to slaughter houses in Canada and Mexico, and not ONE owner has been charged and this has been going on for years. Not ONE owner has been charged for the routine cruelty, the failed drug tests, the breakdowns at the tracks we see with our own eyes on a routine and regular basis.
And those inside horse racing work to protect the cheaters, they actively attack those of us who are exposing this, in our personal lives, in our public lives, on social media, they hire private investigators including Grostyan Private Investigations in Minneapolis who has actively stalked and harassed me, they have people like NTWO's Maggi Moss and Victoria Keith calling you, they have Robin Fairweather and Jill Jenkins stalking and bothering you, the list of horse racing minions and goons is never ending. But where did these old hags get?
They got you here, today. Where everyone on the planet has saw how you treated publicly one of the most cherished animal rights activists on the planet, someone who has spent the last twenty years networking with news reporters, researchers, computer geniuses, enlightened individuals, light workers, activists, geologists, scientists, attorneys, police officers, military, law enforcement, Harvey logistics team, Harvey volunteer teams on the ground, and 3%'rs, and gained the respect of all of them. As someone once said, just because you repeat a lie over and over doesn't make it true. Just as you try to re-invent me, and make up lies about me, and pass them as facts doesn't make it so, and the relationships I have been building for decades hold strong, and those lies fell to the wayside long ago.
So instead of destroying me, you destroyed yourselves and the sport you claim to love. Everyone knows now, world wide about the slaughter houses and how you betray the animals who ran their hearts out for you, and practically nothing has been done about that by the horse racing industry, a few feel good stories from the Paulick Report about after care and a sorry excuse for a charity named NTWO, did nothing to help, the word only spread globally like cancer and now horse racing is in stage 4, the point where the Dr. sends you home to be with your family and says there is no longer anything he can do for you.
In fact horse racing has become so unpopular-that even it's own fans are booing. Today at one of the Breeder's Cup races, the favorite was scratched before the race, all the bettors money was then refunded. Then magically as if only to piss everyone of the last few persons on the planet that were not entirely disgusted and turned off by horse racing after years of scandals, after allowing Bob Baffert to race in the Breeder's Cup races the "Juvenile" and win, and finding horses dead in dumpsters at Mountaineer, held ransom by the dozen by kill pens owned by Jacob Thomspons and others, being starved in rescues by Randi Colllier, then later disapeared, watching them break their legs left and right and get killed on the tracks followed by a mass e-mail from Horse Racing Wrongs with all the gory details, watching Santa Anita Derby winner "The Deputy" a horse that won $700,000 or more wind up in a kill pen, after being in a nasty puppy mill, only to be "rescued" by Remember me Ottb" only to be never heard from again after asking personally many times to be updated on his status, and to prove he was still alive, well he must not be, because they never cleared their name. After seeing "Miss Mercken" breakdown on the track and owner Maggi Moss who claims to be an "animal Rights activist" and Ntwo volunteer who routinely chastises people on twitter for how they treat their animals, just entirely ignore the death of "Miss Mercken," and to see Baffert after failing dozens of drug tests continue business as usual as horses drop dead in his barn, is just beyond disgusting. Yet the few fans who somehow saw past all that, today they boo'd, they boo'd because is enough is enough. The winning horse "Modern Games" was scratched prior to the race, so the bettors bets were null and void. Then the horse was allowed to race, and won the purse money for his owner. Screwing all the bettors. Perhaps it was carma, you can only turn your back on the above mentioned bullshit for so long before it comes back to haunt you. These Modern Games you play, have destroyed the industry. When the only fans you have left are booing it's time to close the curtains for good. XOXO
