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Fashion Sense At Kentucky Derby 1950's and Today.

Today- Men are wearing dresses with flamingos on their head.

They should have went with the matching flamingo shoes. XOXO

n the 1950's if someone was at the Kentucky Derby in a dress - you can safely assume it is a woman.

Back in the dressed like men...women dressed like women. ANY QUESTIONS?

And it's not just the Kentucky Derby we are seeing Fashion Fails at - it is our current climate.

People today dress exponentially sloppier than our ancestors did.

The fashion industry is today a $368 Billion dollar industry.

Yet this is what we see...

They Say "Clothes Make The Man" so why wouldn't we still dress like this? What happened America? You went from totally chic to Sloppy AF. #SnapOutOfIT

They are sending you out in the streets in clown costumes.

You wouldn't see any of these people going out in the streets like that.

Photo taken from Anthony Brutus Cassius First Black Owned Bar in Minneapolis circa 1940's - 1950's when people took great pride in their appearance.

To be fair it is not ONLY the Kentucky Derby that is fashion sense challenged.

Many watching the #MetGala 2022 were shocked and utterly disapointed by the outfits. It's not a pimps and hoes party theme, it was "Gilded Gala" but if you had to look at the photos, you would never know.

Anna Wintour should have sent so many of these people home. Isn't SHE the fashion police? Evidently she didn't care.

Ladies, you can be modest AND beautiful.

This is a great outfit if you are a Las Vegas dancer, but it has no place at a high fashion ball.

Hopefully Rhianna used Faux Fur - she killed it! Proving you can be modest and the Belle of the Ball at the same time. XOXO


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