It is most likely Google -that took my @Ilovehorsenews twitter down.
Sundar Pichai and;
Ruth Porat
Evidently they don't like my memes. I am sure the rest of you do though so share widely.
Print them out and post locally if you will, Google is on a mission to remove them!

My twitter @ILoveHorseNews had 115,000 profile views.
My last posts were the above tweets to the above referenced people at Google.
I also posted I was going to post the video of Unhinged Pizza In Glencoe banging on my doors, banging on my glass windows - like a swat team would HARD - trying to break the window - and trying to enter my home. The "pizza delivery" driver was a young girl, she drove there, she was laughing and checking in multiple times on the phone with her "boss" and she was taking video of my home. The police were notified and have done nothing.
The business manager/owner at Unhinged Pizza in Glencoe admitted they sent a "Pizza" to my house. They may have been trying to plant evidence in my home, this is the second time someone has tried to walk in - I also have the Fed EX guy on video in my blog trying to enter my home, this has been over a year and neither the police have arrested him nor has FedEx fired him - he is still out there lurking - breaking into people's homes.
You can say they got the did 115,000 other people...XOXO

@google @sundarpichai also got my messages and e-mails. Google is in on the harassment, leaving harassing reviews up harassing my business after they were notified and police were notified. This was my last tweet before my account was censored and silenced by Twitter who is in Cahoots with Google. XOXO

Ask yourself why Joe Rogan, Donald Trump, and Alex Jones can freely post whatever they want? Why didn't Hunter S. Thompson have his identity stolen and his mother's identity stolen- why do they only do these things to me, we are all writers? How do they get so many views, while my accounts reach 100,000 and EVERY TIME they hit that point they get taken down. Maybe the above mentioned people are CONTROLLED opposition.
Many sheep will follow their leaders to the slaughter house as we saw Trump walk his there on January 6th while he hid in a Bunker, that's what happens when you follow a #BunkerBitch we tried to warn you.
The Swamp needs to be drained. Until then we can NOT communicate freely. For those of you who want to "clean up horse racing" you claim - standing with the cheaters just shot yourselves in the foot financially. It is YOU who has to pay the entry fees to race against those you know got better drugs and have a free pass by the casinos, labs, regulating agencies, government, humane society, ASPCA, and PETA to use and abuse animals with complete compliance of the horse racing media not to write about it- it is the culture you created. Bob Baffert is there because you protect him and your cheating ways. You could have stood with me, you could have declared an over night end to it. But you made a choice to blackball me- and to follow your leaders over a cliff - just like the Trump followers did. It is too late to stop the public backlash now, I'll just sit here eating popcorn reading the headlines this year with everyone else.
This year the Kentucky Derby will be under a microscope and the public will HATE everyone there, it is already at that point, there is no turning back, nothing i can post now can add to the avalanche of hate back at the sport. The kill pens are exposed, it is all exposed. The brightest talent of our generations has been to my page and picked up the story. Their writing, meme making, video making, gif making and meme making skills and networking have always far surpassed mine, so even though this is the end for my twitter - my ideas are taking flight - a million pigeons can spread a message far faster then a single ghosted twitter bird anyway...XOXO
