The Author at Horse Racing Nation fails to mention Maggi Moss was partnered with Dick Clark and - fails to ask her if she was aware that he was drugging horses when she partnered with him? What a sloppy journalist, eh?
Let's see if they post my comment today...tick tock.
They didn't post the above comment.
I will shorten it and try again. XOXO
They still have not posted my comment six minutes later, so I edited it to help fill in the details that got left out conveniently by
Lord knows what happened to these low rent horses they owned together - we know Moss's end up in rescues, prisons, kill pens, Japanese breeders, low rent breeders in Louisiana, low rent claiming races that lead to slaughter houses - who knows what happens. Maggi Moss will paint you a pretty picture of their retirement - but follow up on them and you will find a horror story not a pretty painting. XOXO
Maggi Moss claims Iowa is a place that has a lot of methamphetamine. Shockingly that is what her former Partner's horses tested positive for. Aye Chihuahua is racing's good girl "animals rights activist" Maggi Moss really a wolf in sheep's clothing? You tell me...XOXO
Maggi Moss represented Clark previously for drugging his horses in 2001 - perhaps if she hadn't defended him, he would have been banned 22 years ago, is she enabling the druggers and abusers? She has also defened Steve Asmussen for drugging his horses and her current trainer Tom Amoss has had 3 drug positives this year.
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck it is a duck. Don't expect HISA to punish it's own though. XOXO
Update 1/30/24:
Where is "Evasive Justice" today? According to Equibase it was sold to Dick Clark and Maggi Moss with Dick Clark ALSO listed as the Trainer and is now owned by Maggi Moss last raced at Prairie Meadows horse racetrack in Iowa in 2005?
Where did these horses Maggi Moss co - owned with Dick Clark end up???
"Lord Alexander" had a good career - purchased for only $500 (1/4 of what a kill pen horse sells for nowadays at $2,000 bail - btw) ' won $321,000.
At some point Dick Clark called Maggi Moss in as owner as the two were co-owners when "Lord Alexander" was raced in a $15,000 claiming race at Prairie Meadows (same Iowa horse racetrack Dick Clark's other horse recently tested positive for meth.)
On 4/19/2003 Maggi Moss and Dick Clark (retired after meth charges at Prairie Meadows and 7 1/2 year HISA BAN) - co-owned "Lord Alexander" together and raced "Lord Alexander" in a claiming race with a $15,000 price tag with the Disgraced Dick Clark listed as the trainer on record that day for "Lord Alexander - Hisa's Maggi Moss's horse. Aye chiuhuahua. XOXO
Maggi Moss credits Disgraced horse trainer/owner Dick Clark with getting her into the horse racing business according to the book "Chats With Some of Thoroughbred Racing's Most Prominent Personalities Talkin Horses" by Edited by Ron Mitchell available on Google.
Update 1/30/24 from Thoroughbred Daily News, who is waiting to post my comment to their article. Let's look at the highlight, evidenly HISA thinks meth and cocaine are not intentionally given to horses and are human drugs, but the diabetes drug the human actually had a prescription for is the REAL PROBLEM, so they plan to - look past the meth and cocaine, is that what she is saying??? C'mon now... you are paying $72 million a year for this crap.
Who came up with this rhetoric?
Does anyone think at this point anyone would believe that meth and cocaine should not be tested for, and those who break the rules have their horses DQ'd & be banned for life???
Yet - they try to make it sound like those are perfectly legit legal substances to have in their system on race day or any day for that matter. That horses don't get addicted like humans do and end up in slaughter houses or kill pens or starving to death in rescues as a result.
Lisa Lazarus- "on the evolution of the industry and for HISA to get to a point where we're "protecting "clean trainers" -
One thing about HISA and thoroughbred racing in general is they don't know how to read the room.
Look around - read the news stories, this one isn't even about Dick Clark's recent meth positive it happened in Harness racing, which somehow HISA thinks it should regulate - bring it's pro - meth and cocaine - policies to harness racing.
Yep. that should fix the bind horse racing is in. LOLOLOL except laugh in the pocketbook. $72 million.
As HISA moves or shall I say slithers to make cocaine and meth socially acceptable drugs for horses - the audience is moving in the opposite direction - demanding lifetime bans for said offenses. Why is racing so out of touch with - the general public?
Is the fox guarding the hen house?
Link Page 16 of 29
Or was Dick Clark thrown to the wolves - a HISA TROPHY - at a time they were desperate for a big catch? Either's bad. As I have blogged previously horse racing tracks are falling at a rate of one per week, it is feasibly impossible there will be ANY horse racing in 2032 when Dick Clark's ban is up, and he will be doing the walk of shame for the rest of his life, which could be twenty years or longer as HIWU has stated he confessed to his crime of giving METH to his horses and admitted it. XOXO
Update 2/1/24
I decided to dig deeper into this.
"Kissed A Cadet" is one of the THREE horses trained by Dick Clark that failed it's drug test for meth - at Prairie Meadows in Iowa 7/22/23. This horse had raced three times, coming in 3, 2, 1 - later the 1st place was dq'd making "Kissed a Cadet" record 3,2,7 so theoretically the meth improved the horses performance it went from 3rd or 2nd placing in previous races with the same trainer - same race track to 1st on the day this horse tested positive for meth.
"Kissed a Cadet" was bought from the Iowa State University for $31,000 and sold to Dick Clark and today however ironic is "Kissed A Cadet" 's third birthday. Happy Birthday "Kissed A Cadet" - I hope you do not end up in a kill pen, now that your owner has left the game after over four decades in it, disgraced.
The next horse trained by Dick Clark that tested positive for meth at Prairie Meadows was "Colonel Klink" who tested positive not just once but TWICE - BOTH times at Prairie Meadows once on July 3 and July 22 BOTH were claiming races.
"Colonel Klink" is under new ownership with a new trainer Tristan Ashford listed in Equibase and is not in drug treatment but still racing.
You would think HISA would apply some of that fine assigned to Dick Clark to retire these horses on HISA's dime. They obviously didn't though.
"Colonel Klink" was claimed for $7500 on one of the dates he tested positive for meth and it does not appear to me that HISA voided the claim. I thought that was the procedure?
"My Hearts On FIre" was the THIRD horse of Dick Clarks to test positive for meth this past summer, and this horse only had ONE RACE. Sold to OTTO Farms for $23,000.
This horse hasn't raced since June - did it end up in a kill pen? Why doesn't HISA comment on where these horses are going????
How ironic the horses is named "My Heart's on Fire" if the horse could talk, would it tell us that was what it was like to race on meth? How very sad. :'
The ONLY thing I know for certain, is this wasn't the horses fault it tested positive for meth in it's one and only race - which it won, but was DQ'd from 1st to 6th place.
This isn't the first meth positive for Prairie Meadows racetrack either. In 2022 another horse with a different trainer tested positive for meth as well.
The horses was named "Drag Malibu" and unlike what Maggi Moss said about meth in Iowa, the witness in 2022 said people drugging horses with meth at Prairie meadows was "unheard of" - I wonder why they have such differing opinions? "Drag Malibu" trainer Kenny Smith was only suspended 15 days - for his meth positive.
A huge difference from 15 days for Kenny Smith to 7 1/2 years now that HISA came along.
What a difference, eh?
How could anyone see this coming?
Well even C.P. Pollock did an article from December 2013- citing the feds busting a meth ring at an Iowa Thoroughbred Farm - who just so happened to be an employee based at Dick Clark's farm.
Imagine that.
Perhaps the "Contamination" came from the pounds of meth stored at Dick Clarks farm IDK? Will someone please ask HISA"s Lisa Lazarus or Maggi Moss (Dick Clarks former partner) - if the positive could stem from the large quantities of meth stored at his farm as mentioned by C.P. Pollock over a decade ago? She has a habit of ignoring every.single.question. I have ever asked her - so much for transparancy. XOXO
AND like the meth in his three horses blood - that he failed the test for - Dick Clark has also said he had no idea POUNDS of it were being stored on his farm in 2012. I think his plausible deniability is played out, how bout you? XOXO
It should be noted Maggi Moss has experience defending meth charges, so if Clark does get charged criminally he #BetterCallMaggi.
In 2001 Attorney Maggi Moss defended a couple tweakers who were police informants and who were ultimately charged and recorded on tape selling meth.
I am having "technical issues again." Good grief they don't want this info out. XOXO
Link to above court case.
Pictured left to right, Victoria Keith of NTWO and now CLOSED Fox HIll Farms, Ray Paulick who has publicly written about his substance abuse issues of Paulick Report and Attorney/HISA Member/Banned and Disgraced Dick Clark partner Maggi Moss
You can watch Maggi Moss's video on youtube.
At the two minute mark in the above HRTV (Horse Racing TV) youtube video - you can hear Maggi Moss talk about how Dick Clark got her started in horse racing.
Now if you made it this far-
it's incredibly "funny" Maggi Moss only mentions the two previous drug violations and not the GIANT FBI METH RAID at Clark's farm where over $60,000 in cash, guns and over two POUNDS of meth were found - a raid that did not end in Clarks arrest btw.
Perhaps IOWA wouldn't have so much meth, if Maggi Moss didn't defend people when they were caught with it.
Perhaps IOWA wouldn't have so much meth - if Dick Clark were arrested the first time over 2 lbs of meth and over $60,000 were found on one of his workers who lived at his farm.
Perhaps - HISA would have more Integrity if Maggi Moss had come clean about the farm raid - why cover it up? XOXO
I updated my comment on Don't hold your breath on Thoroughbred Daily News to let the cat out of the bag though and post the comment let alone update the article with the facts ALL THE FACTS. XOXO
I added the link but the comment is still not posted.
So much for transparency.
Update 2/5/24:
It needs to be noted now, that this info was indeed sent to HISA, NYRA, CHRB, IOWA HBPA and PETA - amongst other law enforcement agencies.
Although I did hear back from a single Sheriff - none of the above mentioned parties have replied, not HISA - not even to say thank you for making us aware of this we will research it, so what does that tell you? Either HISA is in on it, or they are turning a blind eye to it. Either way you are paying $72 million dollars for this "service" - your problem not mine. I will forward BOTH emails sent to these entities upon request. XOXO
Here is the original e-mail sent. It was also sent to all the major Senators and news organizations. This particular blog has been viewed thousands of times and is being circulated - so despite the lack of reply from the entities listed below on the original email sent 1/30/24 - there has been no reply from those I sent it to, other than automatic replies from a few Senators. The cat is out of the bag, but those holding the bag - are caught once again with their pants down. XOXO
At this point in time, due to the failed response from HISA - it is my opinion that the horses owned by Maggi Moss and her partner who was recently banned from HISA for 7 1/2 years over 3 horses testing positive for METH - Dick Clark -have been slaughtered - prove me wrong.