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How Many Vaccines Is TOO Many???

Today, was my first encounter with the Pro-Vaccination Cult...well I have met a few members before but they were not NEARLY as aggressive or enthusiastic as Barbara the lady I met today. I was meeting with her on a professional level, and one of the first questions she asked me before even getting my info-was if I had been vaccinated. I found this highly innappropriate for a business discussion, what was she going to ask me next my weight and my age, I was always told never to ask a woman those things, and people's health information used to be legally protected and it used to be illegal to ask those questions. I am not going to say where she worked, because unlike her I respect people's right to privacy.

I told her no, that I was not vaccinated, that I already had the Rona and have natural immunity just like the chicken pox, I had the chicken pox when I was five so there is no need to vaccinate me for that either. I also told her I do not trust Dr. Fauci, I was respectful and didn't get into the aborted fetuses I don't want in my body or the trail of dead puppies who had their faces bit off of them in torture experiments by Dr. Fauci, but I was horrified that people are still pushing the vaccine after this is KNOWN.

In this ladies defense she was probably at least 83 years old, and she willingly volunteered her vaccination status, she was of course vaccinated she said she got everything the Dr. recommends from routine physicals to mammograms, and gave me a very dirty look. Not everyone has health insurance, those routine visits are a luxury to some people, so judging people for not going to the Dr. every chance they get, is just plain wrong.

She volunteered the fact that she was part of the initial study on HUMANS - she went on to say she got the shot in March, and that allegedly half of the people in the study were in fact given a saline solution. She said a couple months went by and she wanted to confirm that she was in fact vaccinated as she did not have any side effects, and wanted to know if she had immunity. They told her she was fully vaccinated. She has since had at least 2 more booster shots (willingly) and they told her she has to wait another 6 more months for the next shot and she is already calling to see if she can get it early.

At this point I was 100% expecting her to have a heart attack or lung clots and pass out right in front of me. My concern here is since she was part of the HUMAN study, and as we know the study they did prior to that on animals, many of the animals DIED. As part of the original study, if she did die, at this point would they be able to blame the original shot she was part of the experiment for, they couldn't blame Pfizer after she had a Johnson and Johson booster, now can they? So the human experiment is already flawed, it hasn't been a year and the vaxxed group is far more "vaxxed" then originally when they started the experiment, so they are not even doing the studies right. If they were watching her long term or even short term, over the course of a year, wouldn't the extra vaccines from OTHER companies throw the study off for YOUR company for YOUR vaccine. If I was trying to do this experiment I would certainly think it would.

Anyway, I politely listened to her tell the story, was shocked she was still alive after all of this, and do not think her prognosis is good, she will keep getting vaxxed until it kills her. Then finally after ALL THAT, we get down to business, and she has NO IDEA what she is doing, and despite the fact she was 83 years old when I asked her if she had ever done this before, she said NO and admitted it was her first time, and she had NOBODY training her in. I am all about second careers-whether it is an Off Track Thoroughbred (OTTB) learning how to barrel race or become a support animal for a Veteran, or an elderly lady learning a new skill, however there needs to be someone to train you, you can not just go blindly into somethings and she had already asked me enough questions to make me realize she had NO IDEA what she was talking about.

They say the more education a person has the less likely they are to be vaccinated and in this case it just felt glaringly obvious, she didn't do her research on the vaccine and as a "professional" she was ENTIRELY INCOMPETENT, she then tried to pass me off to one of her coworkers who earlier made her wait when she had a question, twenty minutes while he chatted on the phone, while I was sitting there waiting on her and there were no other clients so he had already made a very bad impression on me as well, so I just wanted to get out of there and work with a more professional company. This IS a Fortune 500 company by the way, no small organization. Did they let all the "educated" competent people go for refusing the vaccine and this is what we they are left with???

After I left, I thought about lying about my vaccination status just to avoid the awkward conversations, and the glaringly dirty looks, however I remembered all the nurses and Dr.'s, and all of our military - including Navy Seals and Veteran Police Officers who lost their ENTIRE CAREERS over not getting vaccinated, and realized I need to speak up and be honest, NO I am NOT vaccinated, and NO I do NOT trust Dr. Fauci and I will NOT get a vaccine with aborted babies in it, that IS killing people and making them physically challenged. PERIOD. END OF STORY. I always talk about holding the line, and sometimes that includes VERY AWKWARD exchanges with people who you are supposed to do business with, not even AT ALL health related. Sometimes these awkward exchanges are with our elders, who can be rude and pushy, making it ten times more awkward.

After I left, I wasn't mad at this woman, who had wasted my morning with her lack of knowledge, while claiming to be a "professional" and sufficiently annoyed me, I felt sorry for her and the other elderly who are simply doing what they think is the best thing for themselves and everyone around them, her heart really was in the right place and I said a prayer for her, sooner or later those "vaccines" are going to catch up with her and she has NO PLANS to slow down EVER.

It is not her fault the Media, The Government, Biden, Trump and Dr. Fauci and many others including the CDC drummed up a fake pandemic, scared the HELL out of people and made them think getting vaccinated would save them and "get us back to normal." It hasn't SAVED anyone, countless people have died from the vaccines, and countless more show up in the E.R. every day, countless people are now in Psych care for the first time, dealing with mental health issues from the lockdowns, many others have killed themselves, many lost their livelihoods and businesses, this is not done to help anyone, if they wanted to save lives they would go out and feed the homeless and the 25,000 people who die PER DAY of hunger according to statistics kept by the U.N. (Link - definitely NOT an endorsement of the U.N. just citing their statistics).

If they don't care enough to provide rice or a little bit of food to the homeless, but somehow have enough money to "vaccinate" everyone on this planet what does that tell you? Why are they so concerned about saving you with a "vaccine" while doing NOTHING to save the 25,000 people who will die TODAY and another 25,000 who will die TOMORROW if they do not get FOOD. If you want to save lives, increasing food production should be our #1 priority, however we have found that lack of food is not why these people starve, plenty of food is thrown out that could feed them all 10,000 times over. It is lack of MONEY that makes them starve to death, they can not AFFORD food. So this is an easy fix, it is just never implemented. This is NOT about saving lives, it IS about control, and depopulation. They want the world depopulated bottom line, that is why Monsanto poisons your food and J&J, Pfizer and Moderna are poisoning your body. They want you dead.

Bottom line, they DID test these vaccines on humans I just met one of the self confessed lab rats today personally. Looks like the tests were not conducted with integrity. Soon that will be revealed, it will all come out in the wash. XOXO


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