Let's take a look...
First of all, I offered my services of logistics for BOTH Puerto Rico AND #HurricaneIan in Fort Meyers/Lee County area and was ENTIRELY IGNORED by Governor DeSantis, Sheriff of Collier County & Sheriff of Lee County- WE did the logistics for HARVEY & I have posted proof all over this website and have several documents in secure locations as proof.
Say you lost ALL CONTROL without saying you lost ALL CONTROL...
in this video we see the Sheriff of Lee County's command station go floating by...
(This is being updated...please check back later and refresh the page!!!)

Being from Minnesota, land of 10,000 lakes and over 500,000 licensed hunters and over 1.2 million fisherman - waders-are in every home just about here-and reporting on the sewage in the water, it strikes me as - the fire fighters being entirely unprepared - despite days of people being told to evacuate.
Why aren't they wearing waders in toxic sewage waters?
Why are they attempting to drive a fire truck in water up to their thighs?
Why are there not air boats just sitting waiting to rescue people why are fire fighters trying to drive not boat through the water like our rescuers did?
Here is what our rescue looked like for a comparison - we used boats for water rescues.
This is our rescuers in action in Hurricane Harvey. I am not blaming the fire fighters they are HEROES - I AM BLAMING THEIR FAILED LEADERSHIP!!! HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE!!!
See how we had our volunteers spread out, with OUR LOGISTICS and OUR BOOTS ON THE GROUND WE KICKED ASS! THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE!!! XOXO

Here is my offer to help with logistics dated 9/24/22.
Notice as of 10/02/22 they have not even said thank you for the offer, or any kind of response whatsoever. XOXO

I offered them a rescue map for Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico is surrounded by Water, owned by the U.S. and only 130 miles by 35 miles - very small island so the logistics are easy peasy to get everyone food & water to save their lives.

There were reports of starving horses, so I asked them if they would be dropping hay for the starving horses of Puerto Rico and was entirely ignored again. I even showed them we offered this service during Harvey and made sure the starving horses were taken care of down there when WE DID LOGISTICS WHEN WE HAD CONTROL. WE CARED. XOXO
9/24/22 My request for hay is unanswered.
I am also entirely ignored by @chrissy_ottb that made the request.
(Note: I stopped helping Chrissy OTTB after she ignored me - this did NOT go unnoticed).

(The attachments to the tweet are below)


Now it should be noted, I put my extreme hatred aside for FEMA & our Swamp - to save lives - they entirely ignored me. Last time we had control they took our map down with 2,500 lives saved and 2,500 lives LEFT TO SAVE killing the last 2,500 when Greg Abott released the Port Arthur Dam killing what was left of our list, a few of our rescuers including Volunteer #HarveyHero Alonso Guillen. I have blogged about him previously.
Note - The olivedollyparton has been taken from me- can no longer log in.
The info has been disapearing rapidly has about 30% of the info it once held, I still have 1005 of those documents in secret areas across the country. XOXO

Here are the links to the above mentioned stories (from Hurricane Harvey experience doing logistics).
My tweet to Donald Trump went entirely ignored during Harvey too so we rolled up our sleeves and saved their lives.

On 9/28/22 I specifically tweeted Sheriff Lee to ask if he would lift the curfew, he ignored me.
They made it a misdemeanor to go out and stop people from saving lives of people and animals who were drowning. Looters don't care about a misdemeanor = GOOD PEOPLE care about misdemeanors, the kind that wanted to save your life but didn't want a criminal record for doing so. Tough to find volunteers that want to break the law for COMPLETE STRANGERS, ya know?

Photos in above tweet below.

This is the curfew issued in Naples by the police dept.

With that going on, a curfew in place to prevent us from saving lives the Florida Search and rescue deployed 3 boats, so THEY were out doing rescues.
Not sure if they had enough boats to save their floating police station let alone an ENTIRE CITY UNDER WATER at the time. Prolly why I offered our help.
And was again and throughout this ENTIRE WEEK ENTIRELY IGNORED BY EVERYONE.

At this point - the addresses of those who could not get through to 911 started pouring out onto social media, although sadly our hands were tied, unless we wanted to become criminals, which we don't.
THOUSANDS of people waiting on those 3 boats. Grim.

They had 5,000 people working they claim.

An Aerial view of the Aftermath at Fort Meyers Beach.
More video of Fort Meyers

Homes completely crushed.

In their own words" We got crushed" - you saw Hurricane Harvey WE CRUSHED IT - until Google & Twitter dropped my MAP AND MY ACCOUNT - THEY HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS of rescuers, and the 2,500 people we DID NOT SAVE after they sabotaged us!!!!!!

And it is 100% the Sheriff's fault they "got crushed" and all those lives were lost, after they entirely ignored us, and the US Coast Guard posted THIS to their FB page!!!

Then when it was dry in Fort Meyers - the entire place reduced to rubble - they released the Dam in the middle of the night or bombed it depending on how you look at things at 3 A.M. and the results of that were catastrophic flooding in Central Florida with governor DeSantis BUSSING people out - would you get on a bus or plane if Gov DeSantis asked you to? I sure the hell wouldn't!!!!
At this point 2.5 million people in Florida are without power.

Lee County Sherriff said the death count is in the hundreds, I say it is in the thousands and DeSantis tried to scale it back for political reasons after these figures were released to dozens??? WTF? Is he GOD? Is he raising people from the Dead? C'mon man.

The reason I say thousands is
A) That was what they said needed rescue.
B) The Coast Guard only reported saving 135 the following day - then the water was gone. They either drowned or they got rescued. Do the math.
C) MY PERSONAL tweets of lives needing rescue to the coast guard AND the sheriff WENT ENTIRELY IGNORED as it was illegal for me to go myself and rescue them (I do own a small fishing boat, trailer and truck and it would have taken us 24 hours to get there, but we would have been ON IT - FULL THROTTLE). My expertise lies in logistics, but I got frens baby that love to fish and rescue!!!
Entirely ignored by FEMA AND the sheriff's office in Fort Meyers - and Collier County - my truck trailer and fishing boat - all collected dust sitting in the garage.
These are the lives I personally tweeted to them, that went ignored that I PERSONALLY COULD HAVE SAVED HAD IT NOT BEEN ILLEGAL and they could hold on 24 hours. FOR FREE ALL VOLUNTEER.

As this was happening the Holiday Inn was turning people with pets away.

As Holiday Inn was turning away people with pets the website for Florida's hurricane shelters ALSO was turning away people with pets!

The media allegedly left a kitten to die.

This is the media personality alleged to have left the kitten in the storm to die, a kitten he allegedly could have just opened the door and saved real quick.

Here is the video
Photo of Fort Meyers Beach, Florida prior to #HurricaneIan

Another BEFORE photo

Fort Meyers Beach AFTER #HurricaneIan

Fort Meyers Beach BEFORE #HurricaneIan

Fort Meyers Beach AFTER #HurricaneIan

Flooding in Arcadia hundreds of miles from where the storm hit, and days later after the dam was bombed or released. Looks like these people were hit entirely off guard. (Central Florida - river flooding).

The above video-Heather Tesch reports on concrete slabs being left behind - houses completely "washed off" their foundations.


If I were running this shit show. I would have humbled myself along time ago and reached out to the ENTIRE WORLD and asked for help, I would have designated tweeters lighting the internet on fire - getting us what was needed, where it was needed in record time.
I would organize everyone. I have posted this to Twitter. Here is what I had so far. Keep in mind I am a unpaid volunteer and have done all of this using my own time, and own equipment and have NEVER had a go fund me, an animal rescue of any kind, or worked for one, or received payment from one, or received funds for any go fund me or anything of that sort-no charity what.so.ever. - despite the rumors those who look silly in this post- hire people to put out to discredit me. Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. This will all be sorted out in due time with all those involved held responsible.

Watch the above post on video below.
Solution 3

The same day I posted that - this guy was on the news - stuck like chuck. IF I WERE RUNNING THINGS he would be in his tent w/ a soda, a sandwich, a bag of chips a cookie, a cell phone, be able to shower, and shave & change into clean clothes. We'd start there and build up.

You can view the man in the above post in the video below.

Now I am writing this on 10/02/22 which is two days after that post.
I would have had all that handled by now we would be working on rebuilding the HEARTH of the city which is the beautiful wood dock - the pier - I would build that as fast as humanly possible to let the city know we will BUILD BACK BETTER WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN I AM NOT SOME POLITICIAN TALKING SHIT I AM HERE SWINGING A HAMMER AND KNOCKING DOWN NAILS & RED TAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And this is my #EndGame for the Pier which would be done by this time NEXT WEEK IF I WAS RUNNING THINGS - let's see how long it takes FEMA. XOXO

^^^Unfortunately I am entirely ignored that is NOT what Florida is getting.
THIS is what Florida is getting. XOXO
You get what you wish for.

Lastly, where do y'all get the money to rebuild all those homes and businesses?

The TOTAL for ALL OF THE DAMAGE DONE - in financial terms, even one life human or animal lost is priceless - and not what I am referring to here.
The total cost to rebuild - is what I am referring to - those lives can not and will not EVER be replaced. We can and we will pray for the lost souls in heaven.
I digressed. The cost to rebuild is - $96 billion dollars just ONE WARREN BUFFET'S WORTH and oh look - since he is 93 and has publicly said he has NO PLANS to leave the lion's share of his vast wealth to his kids - why wouldn't he foot the bill?
Why wouldn't he want to be KING FOR EVER IN FORT MEYERS after giving everyone there businesses and homes back paid for / title in hand/no bank loan? He's 93 he could live like a KING in Fort Meyers if he did that.
Don't hold your breath though...XOXO

Here is some of the proof of my claims of doing Harvey logistics, this website is full of it, so is my twitter cross reference @ilovehorsenews with harvey - to get started if you want to #factcheck - although they can take down my FB and Twitter - I still have endless screen shots - and they are in a secure location. XOXO

Since that time the "Cajun Navy" who co opted our movement, and destroyed our map, wiped out our rescue map and Gov Abbott released a deadly very flood after releasing the dam for maximum death in the middle of the night.

Updated 10/3/22

Watch the video mentioned above here. HUNDREDS of BODIES TURNING UP NOW.

Updated 10/8/22
Thousands of people reported missing.
Evidently they can not keep up with all the requests.
If they can't keep up on the requests of those missing - why didn't they accept our help when they were drowning?
How did they plan on saving them all - if they can't keep up NOW?
And don't hold your breath waiting on the Red Cross, it is just another part of the swamp that needs to be investigated and shut down.
What you get is what you got, when you don't stand up, or step forward and tell the truth. XOXO
