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I Posted The Solution To #EndKillPens And SAVE EVERY CAT, DOG & HORSE In AMERICA IN 2020.

All it takes is money. With money you can hire a staff, buy cameras, food, hay, cat litter, cages, stalls, fences, pasture, care, trucks, trailers, gas, labor, whatever is necessary to save the lives of these animals.

So where do you get the money from to save all the cats, dogs and horses you see on Twitter EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. in your news feed - that you feel helpless to save all of, because NONE Of us can save them all on our own, as BAD AS WE MAY WANT TO, and the thought of it, is so sad and depressing and overwhelming.

Here is a perfectly good solution to source the money from those who SHOULD pay for it going forward.

Speaking of sad, depressing and overwhelming, let's take a closer look at those Sarah McLaughlin commercials I used to see EVERY.OTHER.COMMERCIAL on my local T.V. stations (before the election ads started of course) - that make you madly depressed every time you see one, yet would you even believe that the ASPCA ALREADY HAS $!25 MILLION IN ASSETS? Enough money to single handedly SAVE EVERY.CAT.DOG.AND HORSE in America for a lifetime.


Just so you can see what my local elderly neighbors see on T.V. and donate to, that DOES NOT SOLVE THIS PROBLEM in anyway just HOARDS $125 MILLION DOLLARS AND COUNTING.

Which is sad. But sadder still is they have enough money ALREADY to END THIS OVERNIGHT. LOOK.

The Trust set in place and ran by Raymond F Simon after the murder/death/missing whatever you believe about the Candy Heiress Helen Brach - which also has over $125 million in assets (blog on her to follow later - what a story that is) - which was reported in the media supposed to be used to save animals yet only $250,000 ballpark is ACTUALLY spent every year SAVING anmals while the trust EARNS $20 MILLION a year, and they donate far LESS than they are MAKING a trust now controlled by a man - Raymond F Simon accused of frauding another wealthy ladies trust - who donated funds from this trust to his former law school and named the donation after himself NOT EVEN Helen Brach whose Trust Fund's money he donated. What a dick.

Salaries for the brach foundation, how many times is Raymond Simon on the payroll including the largest payroll of $235,000 a year FOR LIFE. What a salary, eh?

So if you added together the money the ASPCA is sitting on $125 million PLUS the money the Helen Brach Foundation is sitting on $125 million TOGETHER you have $250 Million - you use that money INTENDED TO SAVE THESE ANIMALS - to ACTUALLY SAVE THESE ANIMALS in kill pens and kill shelters across America and shut down the kill shelters and pens and keep all animals going forward - you have enough to buy farms, fences, barns, heat the barns, pastures, a loving and caring staff, security, cat & dog food, hay, hire vets, hire social networkers to find them loving homes, and take in the unwanted ones, raise awareness, hire trainers, etc. etc. - then as time goes on the money (1% tax or what have you) on the sales of all thoroughbreds going forward - and a tax on TVG and 1/st and other entitites as mentioned above - trickles in, you have money to buy cat food and litter etc and pay the staff to clean cages, train horses, perform ferrier duties, work the phones and social media sites yada, yada, yada. Easy peasy.

And given the funding and the opportunity as I have stated I would personally over see this operation and SAVE EVERY SINGLE DOG CAT AND HORSE IN AMERICA FROM SLAUGHTER AND KILL SHELTERS and rehome them if possible to loving homes or retire them to a happy life at loving rescues I create - and other resources that service the public including using these animals to their fullest advantage to help Vets w/ PTSD, kids w/ Autism, and those suffering from the Rona lockdowns - or whatever they are suffering from as comfort animals, for the greater good. I will try to give the public every opportunity to interact with animals who are loving, safe and social to not only find them homes but create park like spaces you can sit down have a coffee and enjoy the comfort of petting a friendly dog, cat, horse or donkey to ease your troubled soul & if you take a selfy with it, post it to your social media and that animal finds a home, that's just all that better for your troubled soul to help something even worse off than you. XOXO

And if you #EndKillPens and take having to do that off my plate of troubles, and use the justice department to divert the funds raised on the animals behalf to actually benefit the animals the money was raised for. I will have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for any animal to be killed, dog, cat horse or donkey - and will hire a staff, find the farms, do all the managerial work, and ACCOUNT PUBLICLY for EVERY PENNY, and hire people to monitor the rescues, staff the rescues, and post all to social media w/ cameras so the public can see where the money is going and can find the pets they want to spend their lives with and welcome into their homes. The money would go to help the animals, to pay for the land, trucks gas etc. and there is plenty of money ALREADY THERE, and solid plan going forward to STOP THIS, and this is NOT NEW NEWS. I posted that plan over two years ago, and Frank Pallone of New Jersey (Democrat) took it upon himself this fall 2022 to personlly sabotage the Safe Act for Equines that would have SAVED THEM ALL FROM SLAUGHTER that was set to pass in the house AND SENATE AND BECOME LAW - until FRANK PALLONE single handedly WENT AGAINST THE WISHES OF 85% OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

The date of death they use for Helen Brach to gain access to her trust was 2/17/77 yet her body has never been found and she was racing horses at Arlington Horse Racetrack near Chicago, IL - well after her alleged death date even so far out as 6/4/1981


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