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If 80% of the World population gets an UNTESTED VACCINE - what if they all die at once?

What if they start dropping like flies this winter??? I have seen a first hand account of a police officer in Denver, Colorado who had to have both his legs amputated after he was forced to get the clot shot to keep his job, and he had severe enough clotting in his legs to have to have them amputated, he now has a go fund me.

I also read a post of a similar story written by a hospital nurse, I have seen many videos now of Doctors speaking out about parasites and metal particles they have all witnessed under a common microscope in drops of the vaccine.

Link 1

Fauci is now saying the illegal immigrants who are unvaxxed are NO THREAT to us, how can it even be??? ANYONE that believes anything out of this guy's mouth after that, is a complete fool. How can the people living here with healthy immune systems who are unvaxxed be such a threat as he likes to make you believe, but those without access to showers and hand washing are somehow NOT a threat??? Good grief this guy.

Enough about Fauci, GOD is watching, he has to face him at some point, in the meantime he is trying to destroy the children. Time to stand up.

Let's assume for just one second that these Doctors who risked their lives, careers, the fortune they spent on college, their reputations all to speak out against the horrible vaccine are correct. Let's assume the whistle blowers at Pfizer, and those documented by Project Veritas are telling the truth. If so, some are comparing the vaccine to AIDS, where it will create a compromised immune system for it's host, so if the flu were to actually come back this year, their natural antibodies would not be strong enough to fight it off and it will kill them.

What happens if the vaccinated suddenly die or become too sick to care for their own children??? Who will care for 80% of the world's children? The other 20%??? How the hell could we all adopt over 100 children, it is simply impossible. What will happen to all of their cats, dogs and horses??? Certainly we can not adopt them by the 100's and 1000's either if they all drop at once?

Maybe our government isn't thinking clearly, what if Joe Biden does have dementia?

More Video links

The above link shows what happens to you when you are in fact #VaccineDamaged #NobodyGivesASingleFuck or Helps you or your kids- there is NO SAFETY NET!!!

The link below is bombshell testimony from a Doctor before the FDA Vax Meeting Dr Rose States Based on The VAERS Data... The Risks Far Outweigh The Benefits Especially For Children Over A 1000% Increase In Adverse Events In 2021!

There are countless links now REMOVED from Twitter and youtube of Doctors and #VaccineDamaged individuals speaking out. Why REMOVE THE LINKS??? YouTube and Twitter are complicit in mass murder. Why is NOTHING DONE? Where is the OUTRAGE???

The pro vax people might be feeling cocky today, give it 12 months. Certainly there will be a lot of people who start whistling a different tune when shit gets real, and they have to live with their deadly decision.

The facts are pouring out...are you listening???

Above link another Medical Doctor speaks out against vaccine.

Listen to the Doctors...


Maybe #OpWarpSpeed was a YUGE MISTAKE??? What do you think??? XOXO

#PureBlood Which one of these memes best represents your mRNA status? XOXO

Of course each and every country will have their own unique version of it...#OneLove XOXO

Of course, the conversations will not ALWAYS be this easy...evidently over 80% of parent/child discussions sound more like this...#SoFuckingSad #VaccineDamaged XOXO

These "Go Fund Me's" to save #VaccineDamaged nurses and police officers who knew better then to take the vaccine but did so to save their job, which they are now physically unable to do any longer, let alone care for their kids, after taking the vaccine - are fucked up, why can't Pfizer and Moderna be sued for the damage they caused??? Why aren't they forced to pay??? Just like the horse racing community can use and abuse horses and dump them in kill pens all while profiting billions like Moderna and Pfizer and entirely ignoring those killed or maimed-after they are done with them. Maybe if you had stood up for the horses and humanity in general - you wouldn't be in this situation. We are in this situation because the Patriot's are NOT STANDING UP!!! What are you WAITING FOR??? That is the ONLY REASON WE ARE HERE. XOXO

How Can It Be???

Explain this to me like I am five...

Food For Thought...XOXO


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