If you ask those in horse racing, they will tell you some casinos are having a great year income wise, with many bets placed...is it being artificially inflated w/ wealthy patrons gambling - like Mattress Mack, to help their friends out?
How much did he lose on the Kentucky Derby again? If you bet $2 million and LOST it and had to "pony up" as they say...wouldn't you at least want to know if "Medina Spirit" is officially the winner or not??? Just think what all that money could have done for after care or how many horses could have been bailed out of the killpens with $2 million dollars, seems so frivolous to throw money away like that - without a second thought of the after care of those who risked their lives for you to bet on - one of which did it on betamethasone.
Fun Fact: 2,000 thoroughbreds could have been pulled from the pits of hell at Jacob's kill pen prices of $1,000 each, which is pretty standard across these hell holes for the $2 million Mattress Mack just threw away on the Kentucky Derby fiasco.
Instead they will die a cruel and torturous death, we all know the story on a long hot truck with no water in cruel and horrible conditions - some of them pregnant or with broken bones into Mexico where they will suffer an even worse slaughter.
Why is it that we STILL do not know who won the Kentucky Derby in May? Is it because horse racing is dead, and we are just waiting on ghosts from horse racing's past to deliver the answer?
It all depends who you ask, not everyone will sugar coat it like the PollyAnna report, and Mattress Mack's $2 million dollar bet may be enough to make it look like the game is still in full effect, but is it really? Why are some of the oldest and most profitable owners leaving the business by the dozens?
How foolish would you feel making a $2 million dollar bet, on a game that may or may not be rigged? On horses that may or may not be drugged, by trainers, owners and jockeys who may or may not be punished? On a horse that may or may not be disqualified, but even if it is, the second place bettors - who will be the new winners, will never see one single penny. Cause "house rules"...got everyone who bet on that race looking a little silly right now. Don't say I didn't warn you...
It appears to everyone OUTSIDE horse racing, it is in fact DEAD. #IAmHorseRacing just don't know it yet. XOXO

Maybe by New Year's we will know who won Kentucky Derby 2021, don't hold your breath though, we are still waiting on the final outcome of the Saudi Cup of 2020.
