After Partnering With NTWO - evidently Delta Downs has had a HUGE loss in revenue, and is now for sale, and the deal is halfway done already. Imagine that...
$45.8 Million per year BEFORE NTWO/Maggi Moss and now $13.2 Million for 2019 AFTER MAGGI MOSS/VICTORIA KEITH/NTWO got involved...LMFAO!!!!!!!! :D

So Ceasars is NO LONGER interested in operating a horse racetrack, I wonder why??? Is it because DAY AFTER DAY - WEEK AFTER WEEK - NOW YEAR AFTER YEAR we see horses BEGGING for money from the general public-BEGGING for money to save their lives from people whose own lives are being destroyed by a Communist takeover disguised as the Corona Pandemic? Is it because they themselves can no longer sleep at night, and can NOT stomach the carnage or is it because the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS NOW what is happening behind the scenes at your horse racetrack and killpens and Caesar's doesn't want it's BRAND tarnished??? You tell me...the #s DON'T LIE! XOXO

What changed??? That could make their losses SO DRAMATIC??? Hmmm

Wait Delta Downs Revenue fell from $45 MILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR to only $13 MILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR AFTER PARTNERING WITH NTWO??? That's a $32 MILLION DOLLAR PER YEAR LOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Evidently...History Repeats Itself...
(Excerpt from Des Moines Register)
Moss, 31 was a HUGE FACTOR in Polk County Attorney Jame's Smiths DEFEAT in the DEMOCRATIC PARTY'S ELECTIONS -TOO...LMFAO! Some things never change...XOXO

2019 Fiscal Year For Delta Downs is like...
Wow, no wonder all those paid trolls harassed Dina so hard, evidently she hit them HARD where it counts the most...in the dollar bill zone...XOXO
Before Dina Albarano raised awareness of horse slaughter - NTWO wanted to silence it, so did the casinos, Ray Paulick and Donna Brothers. Now they try to "raise awareness" - in reality they want CONTROL of the bad publicity so they can spin it, before his death Ray Paulick worked for Ghislain Maxwell's Dad, Robert Maxwell a Mossad Agent.
In the Battle of NTWO and Boyd Gaming (Delta Downs) VS Dina Albarano, they may have both SHUT EACH OTHER DOWN...IMAGINE THAT!!! XOXO

However, without Delta Downs using and abusing horses and discarding them in Kill pens would Dina even need a rescue? Evidently Dina Albarano has OFFICIALLY WON!!! WRITE THAT DOWN!!! XOXO
Of Course they all whistle a different tune now...claim to be FOR the horses, but how many of Maggi Moss's OWN horses end up in kill pens or horse rescues??? Even her $700,000 PLUS winner "Native Ruler" is in a horse rescue...doesn't she provide for ANY of their aftercare??? Pushing your horse onto the public to pay for, is not responsible ownership of a racehorse win or lose.
Donna Brothers BEFORE NTWO was created to save the reputation of Delta Downs and the whole world knew they were torturing and killing horses in kill pens that had ran their hearts out for them.

Evidently the silent thing...the SHH let it happen approach in the END cost them a WHOLE LOT OF MONEY...XOXO
Today there is trouble in paradise...this is Donna Brothers AFTER the scandal was made public.

If you want links to Maggi Moss's own horses found in the kill pens, or at rescues, or sold to Japanese Breeders after claiming they were human like, there are many articles here...XOXO
Why is a horse who won over $700,000 from Maggi Moss in a horse rescue, relying on funds from the public for the rest of its 30 year plus life? Why doesn't she "pony up?"

What happens when the general public runs out of money or plain out gets tired of funding Maggi's retirees???
Perhaps I should mention "Miss Mercken" one of Maggi Moss's HERD of dozens of racehorses that DIED on the racetrack a horrific and tragic, gruesome PREVENTABLE death in which her own jockey was deemed responsible for causing.
Note: If the La Palma volcano does indeed turn into a Tsunami Delta Downs will be getting out right in the nick of time...what clever timing. Some might say there are "no coincidences..." XOXO

Wait??? WHAT??? AM I the only one who has questions on Rubicon...
More on that here...what I discovered...XOXO

Correction: It is Louisiana Downs and it is now sold.

Note: Delta Downs Revenue is also Grim AF

Looks problematic...XOXO
Is $830 million a LOT of money to lose? LOL
