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Is there a mysterious rash of duplex fires in the Twin Cities Metro area (Minnesota)?

Ever since the Federal Mandates that have stopped Landlords from being able to evict their - deadbeat non rent paying - tenants over the last year or so due to Corona, there has been a rash of mysterious duplex fires...

I used to follow the duplex sales in the area for the last 3-5 years, and there appears to be as many fires now as there were duplexes for sale previously.

Putting the burden of rent on a landlord is like putting the burden of feeding someone on a privately owned grocery store. Just like the grocery store had to purchase the bananas, cereal and milk before then raising the price and selling them to you, so did the landlord have to pay the mortgage every month before they can raise the price and rent it to you for the next month, and the next month same story. Forcing private businesses to pay the way for others during hard times is UnAmerican.

I hate landlords, (edit: This should say I hate slum lords - but in the Twin Cities area, it is my experience most of the luxury buildings are run by slum lords not landlords) almost all of the landlords in the Twin Cities area are price gouging pieces of shit who claim to rent luxury properties and never fix anything- including mold issues, dirty piled up garbage for weeks, bug issues, bed bugs, and insist on "inspecting" the unit on a monthly basis violating your privacy - there is no expectation of privacy in these "luxury apartments"- read the reviews for any given apartment in the suburbs of Minneapolis they all read the same. How does a "luxury apartment" have a one star rating? Bad ownerhship and management that is how.

In buildings with rents as high as $3,000 or $4,000 a month that allow pets, which is a lot for this area, some have opted out of shoveling the walking paths ALL WINTER- to save money - decisions MADE in the corporate offices that they failed to notify the tenants who EXPECT those services in this climate - in the same fashion one expects the grass to be mowed. In a climate that is known for it's frozen tundras and dangerous and deadly slip and falls. One fall can break an elderly person's hip and that is all it takes for them to no longer be able to care for themselves it happens all the time here. It is a law, you need to maintain walking paths, and one that these slumlords don't seem to take heed of. This post isn't because I feel sorry for the large corporations that bought up all the apartment complexes around here that are not getting paid, but the small Mom and Pop's who rented out their homes that may be harmed by these regulations. But to be honest, I haven't found very many of them in my prior renting experiences, if any. The homeowner who rents out their house is only perhaps 5% if not less of the rental market here, most are corporate owned if not foreign owned.

Now a closer look at the duplex market - the duplexes seem to be burning up - not as in for sale in the hot housing market - but in the can't evict the tenant and still have to pay the mortgage hot be fair it has been an uncharacteristically HOT summer in Minnesota this year with temperatures in June in the 90's plus almost everyday, with an unprecedented low amount of rain - but still the fires seem far our of proportion for what would be the norm.

Is it all a coincidence? Is this a war on the middle class? Large corporations have the funds to go for years without rent payments from their tenants, do small Mom and Pops - the people funding their retirements in Florida and Arizona by renting out their homes, do they have the time or the funds to go for years without this income, having their salaries essentially cut off in their golden years? Should they have to do without, to provide for strangers to live in their homes they worked their entire lives for?

I am not advocating for these people to be tossed out into the street, evicted and have their credit ruined after the government forced them out of work, I am just wondering what is going on here? Why the burden to pay has fell to the middle class, this is not free trade. This is NOT American, the mandatory shut downs were NOT American, and I still do not know a single person who has died from Corona. Imagine that.

There have been a mysterious rash of duplex fires though...take a look...

Note: Why are landlords required to pay the bank for their mortgage if they can not evict their tenants? Seems like a double standard to me.

Note to liberals who think putting the burden on landlords is wise, they will evict you when they finally can and that day WILL COME GUARANTEED - instead of owing $2,000 - $3,000 as in a typical eviction they will get you on your credit for $24,000-$40,000 a debt you will NEVER repay and be able to buy a home until it falls off your credit report ten years later, by then Large corporations, many of them foreign will have bought up all the houses whose landlords could not pay their rent due to deadbeats tenants after they lose them, and the corporations will buy them for pennies on the dollar, at a time most Americans credit is screwed, with no competition locally, then rent them back to you for 3-4 times what they charge you now, making you homeless serfs in your own nation. The real estate will be priced so high, that you will never be able to afford the down payment after paying your $24,000 - $40,000 in back rent which they WILL come and GARNISH YOUR WAGES FOR. This is not going to end the way you think it will.

Note: These duplex fires are VERY DANGEROUS and people and pets have DIED. Why isn't this all over the news, where is CNN? Do tenants lives matter? How about their dogs and cats lives who died as innocent victims?

It is almost like New York all over again, with it's rent controlled apartments burning to the ground. Imagine that. Who would think all the "rent controlled" duplexes in Minnesota would also burn? Who OWNS these rental properties/duplexes that burned? I find these articles lacking in information??? Is it one company serial burning their properties or many different owners, are they local, foreign??? Dig deeper...XOXO

se "rent controlled" duplexes would also burn??? Who owns these properties, I find these articles to be lacking substantial info...

Here a landlord video where he speaks out as tenants owing him $24,000 as he is still forced to maintain their rentals on his dollar - are out buying boats...

(Thanks for the tip! ;) XOXO)

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