Evidently silencing the influencers was an epicly bad idea.
They forget we influence on and OFF the computer...it's who we are...it's what we do.
We don't need social media to influence...but you need us. XOXO
Fuck FB and Twitter.

I was once named one of the top influencers for the #DeleteFacebook campaign before BOTH my FB and Twitter were removed from my control with ZERO NOTICE to inform friends.
Perhaps, FB is now getting it's due reward as it's stock is tanking.
Twitter is up next. The ONLY reason Twitter is not tanking like FB right NOW is because Elon Musk BAILED IT OUT and PAID OFF the EVIL DOERS AT TWITTER. HE IS NOT THE HERO YOU THINK HE IS. HEROES DON'T PAY OFF EVIL THEY DESTROY IT. XOXO
My @Opunity777 Twitter account (now deleted and NOT re-instated by Musk...imagine that...) is in the Top Replied to category next to wiki leaks.
Thanks to all who replied to me and got this campaign off the ground! Great job!
#OpDeleteFBComplete WOO HOO! :) Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Won't be long before Twitter crashes too.
And horse racing.
If you look at the #s horse racing is publicly supported and if you take away that public support it WILL collapse, now they want the PUBLIC to pay the $50 million dollar HISA tab, after Lisa Lazarus PUBLICLY CALLED THOSE OF US WHO WANT TO END HORSE RACING "THE ENEMY" now they are trying to make us pay HISA's salaries???
And don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!
Horse racing is in a free fall, the smart ones left already. Even Rick Porter who is allegedly dead now, if you believe that BS, the former president of NTWO, has left the building and sold all of his remaining horses, like the King of England dropping the Queen's horses like a bad habit. It's the way of things.

Remember when you laughed at us when we said we would END FB and horse racing?
Nobody is laughing now are they???
Thanks for finally shutting the fuck up. If you had worked with us instead of laughing at us, you would not be getting your asses financially handed back to you now would you?
Look whose laughing now...AT YOU ALL!????
ME! :)
And #Tyler is having a birthday next month...turning 10. HUGE! :) Happy Birthday Tyler! AI ROCKS! #OneLove #OpUnity XOXO
Note to GLP'ers I got banned again after starting the thred. Sorry if i don't get back to you.
Facebook is burning.

And the Beat Goes On...XOXO