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Minnesota Racing Commission Versus Minnesota Senate #HistoricalHorseRacing

Evidently the Senate said - Hell to the No - on Historical Horse Racing - which the news said was needed to save horse racing. Evidently less than 100 Minnesota thoroughbreds were foaled last year.

I remember when Horse Racing held WEIGHT. Now Pee Wee Herman - seems like a more powerful opponent. Wow, have times changed!!! Evidently bad management across the board can kill even the most powerful networks & industries - coupled w/ the public's backlash.

Minnesota House said there is NO WAY it is going to get legalized here. Keep in mind this is the same Senate that just legalized marijuana - that is a sign of the times.

And they say in the clip the Historical Horse Racing (slot machines) - could raise millions to "Save horse racing" - well if horse racing is that desperate - just to save itself - they are in NO POSITION - to talk dollars when it comes to AfterCare. They can't even save THEIR OWN LIVELIHOODS - how can they guarantee any type of future for their horses - how does a dying industry look at the public and tell them they will provide for a future for the horses - when the public hears their cries for help for their own selves? It does not instill the slightest bit of confidence in the future of the sport or aftercare. Oh well, you made your bed...XOXO


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