Why else would they be so scared of comments???
AGAIN I was censored, all I said was it was naive to think nothing bad could happen, or disastrous- all you had to do was look at it.
Instantly a troll popped up to say trust the scientists - paid shills are there in the house!!!
I said, "No thank you, I will trust my OWN EYES the scientists have lied to us over and over and do it EVERYTIME now that there is a disaster. I have seen it and reported on it too many times.
Now I am banned from commenting. This is bullshit. We need to get our Freedom back.

The Grid pattern shows you that there have been countless Earthquakes targetting the area, every dot represents an earthquake, regardless what bullshit they tell you, so what if it didn't make a perfect grid - whoop e ding - it is still being targeted, point by point systematically in those areas. If a marksman shoots up his target full of bullets aiming for the hearts and scatters them all over the body, was he not still targeting the heart or the person he was shooting at??? Does it matter where the bullets land or if it is in a perfect grid pattern or not? It is the point it is being shot at with dew weapons, where else in history have you seen this many earthquakes hitting one specific area in this fast and furious of a pattern???
Now when you find that example - let me know what the outcome was...and then post that to the comments section for me, since I am unable to do so. Keep it real. XOXO