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My Thoughts On Hurricane Ian Today...XOXO

I think it is clear Frank Stronach or Warren Buffet could BOTH single handedly save all the elderly people whose entire lives and homes have been destroyed in Fort Myers - but don't. It takes a coordinated effort - perhaps a conspiracy if you want to call it that - for ALL OF THEM TO DENY THESE PEOPLE THE HELP THEY NEED - when clearly they could help them and STILL be Billionaires. When is enough money - enough? When does the obligation to help people kick in for them? Evidently it never will.

Looking past them, as I have quoted before- "if you're in trouble, or hurt or need - go to the poor people. They are the only ones that'll help - the only ones." - John Steinbeck

Now that we have clearly established this to be the case with #HurricaneIan -

Reading the stories of those left behind, some are living in tents, some went to live with family members, but they all are painting a collective picture of self sufficient seniors who loved their beach community and were active together as a community socially and had many friends, many of whom lost their lives after The U.S. Coast Guard, FEMA and Lee County Sheriff's office denied our help and put up a curfew making it a misdemeanor to save all the lives they pulled out of the rubble.

Speaking of rubble, there is a rescue video showing a man pulled from the rubble - someone asked how can that be - how come he did not drown in the storm surge? This is an excellent question that warrants an answer.

Another question that warrants an answer - is - why does a "bombed out" Fort Myers look EXACTLY like the Riverside Fires in California? Are the smart meters blowing up people's homes when water touches them, as Elon Musk's Tesla batteries are doing? Corroding and exploding??? Is this by design? Why isn't this happening to the multi million dollar neighborhoods?

So now we have an entire community of displaced and shell shocked senior citizens? What to do? I agree with most in public opinion that rebuilding their trailors on the beach might not be in their best interest - for them to go through this all again would be disastrous. The best place for their community would have been the 30,000 acres Frank Stronach owns inland about 3 1/2 hours away. However, he is not willing to help at this point.

So not being a billionaire, my next best solution - and it's cold - but do-able. Would be to move the entire senior community (anyone stranded and looking for a home) up to one of the abandoned ghost towns in Northern Minnesota of which there are many. There was once a thriving mining community and now many of the homes and towns up North have long been abandoned. You can buy a book on Amazon - detailing these towns, - I once owned it, and wish I still had it- so I could quickly reference - however it will take some research. (Not that FEMA or anyone will do this to help them, I feel they are totally fucked at this point if they are relying on government help). I have many friends in Florida who have never rebuilt after hurricanes, whose homes are still in a state of needing repair from years past, so I doubt this will be any different, from what I have already seen in terms of response.

Anyways - you could simply move the entire community to a ghost town in the outlying communities by Lake Superior / Duluth area. It doesn't matter that the mines are not operating and there are limited to no jobs, because most of the seniors whose lives were destroyed were not employed anyways. The homes are abandoned so, they would sell for next to nothing. They could move the fire fighters and the police with them, as there is nothing left in Fort Meyers - for them to patrol or police.

The ghost towns have bars, main streets and libraries - perfect for the business owners hwo lost everything to take over, and get the town back up and running. The weather would change, but Minnesota homes, cars and businesses are all heated in the winter, and you can add a wood stove for about $10,000 to any of these homes and businesses for a very comfortable warm heat - that will sustain you if the power drops or if an EMP strikes. Ensuring these elderly will be alright in the event of another disaster. Of course this would take great leadership - the employed politicians of Minnesota could welcome them here, roll out these ghost towns in a BIG WAY and play the HERO ROLE, but unfortunately we don't have those kind of leaders here and Florida doesn't either. So you get what you got. Sorry.

Pick a town any town, these people do not have to be suffering so. Anyone of these towns could be brought back to life.

Editor's Note: This is not something you do willy nilly this is something an entire community would need to pull together and pull off, there are reports in these areas of people disappearing and human trafficking - which is why I suggested bringing the police and fire dept with you, and moving as a community and taking the town back.

Take a close look at this town, and tell me how this is not the PERFECT SOLUTION for the displaced in Fort Myers???

It appears the above pictured town has been torn down, however that is why I said this approach would need a little research, if you read the above referenced books there are many, many towns with the homes, and buildings still perfectly in tact - you just need to research, visit there, and pick one. You could then as a community do a go fund me to get you moved into the new houses and get clothes, furniture - food, etc. and get the town going with the money you raised. If instead of donating to the red cross where millions just go to paying salaries, if instead you donated directly to the people in need, cut out the middle man you could at least preserve there golden years into something other than a tent or a homeless shelter. XOXO

There are ghost towns in Minnesota you can tour. For example.

Like a Ring to A Finger...

Show this ghost town, the residents of Fort Myers...#ProblemSolved XOXO

When you haven't got a've got a prayer in Minnesota...XOXO #OpLove #OpMusic #OpUnity <3 _/\_

How hard is it to bring already built trailer's and manufactured homes to any one of these abandoned ghost towns, and re-establish the town of Ft Myers - and then you can do tours and take these people to sunny destinations to vacation in the winter - group tours, rent buses and people can donate time share - there are so many possibilities, letting them struggle and suffer is just evil and should never be tolerated by a civilized society.


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