Thank you to #BuzzCheeze for reporting this. Excellent Find!
How can Vaers have ANY credibility after this?
If you know something is deadly and you spike someone's drink with it, isn't that murder?
If you vaccinate them with it, isn't it even more likely to kill them?
If you delete the information showing it killed other people isn't it "pre-meditated" murder?
Watch this. XOXO
Hit the play button on the bottom left side.
Link to the "wayback" machine.
Who needs a time machine when you can just...delete...delete...delete???
Too bad for Vaers...the internet is forever...XOXO

As always, don't blindly believe what I post, research it, there is far more out there to learn.
Call Vaers and discuss their findings they can be reached at 800-822-7967 ask for their statement on why they feel this is happening.
You can e-mail them too I will send them this meme and see what the response is, and update. XOXO
Now today's headlines...Dr. Phil was RIGHT - history does repeat itself. XOXO
