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NTWO Isn't The Solution To The Over Horse Population In Louisiana. They Are The Problem.

NTWO's Victoria Keith/Rick Porter/Fox Hill Farms recently dumped all their horses at auction after all that rhetoric on responsibly re-homing them.

They sold a lame "Omaha Beach" who never won a triple crown race, and scratched from the "Pegasus" and the "Kentucky Derby" yet somehow found a way to sell their breeding rights to George Soros partner in Crime SpendThrift Farms B Wayne Hughes for $22 million.

Now a lame "Omaha Beach" is breeding with a horse raced at Louisiana Downs and just had a foal. What are the odds this horse ends up in the kill pen, and like all the others Victoria Keith of Fox Hill Farms/NTWO just turns her nose up at it and says let it ship.

Like she did and NTWO did, and Maggi Moss did, and Ray Paulick did who were all tweeted last week about the herd of 7 thouroughbreds including "Mr Leo" Bred by Hill and Dale Farms who sells million dollar horses for Baffert to train, and they let them all ship. They are being murdered in Mexico, brutally slaughtered as I type this.

Now they have new born replacements, soon to fill the meat packaging plants overseas.

Look how cute they are when they are born, so sad this is the world they are born into, where their chances of being slaughtered are at least 50%.

Horses end up in the kill pens by the dozens. Here is a video made by Bob Baffert friend Dina Alborona.

More video

Dina Alborano found and rescued and re-homed 24 thoroughbreds found at the same time in a kill pen. Look at what she walked into.

If racing wanted Dina Alborano to stop saving horses from kill pens, she made an offer - why wasn't it accepted? Asking the TAA (Thoroughbred AfterCare Alliance) and NTWO National Thoroughbred Welfare Organization to sign a document saying they will save THEIR industry's thoroughbreds out of kill lots when made aware - doesn't sound like a whole lot to ask, does it? So why DIDN'T they simply sign it and call it a day instead of dragging the war out on twitter for as much drama and bad publicity as possible? The solution was simple and it was right there on September 2, 2018.

Instead more horse are found in kill pens.

This time they were saved.

Just as recently as a few days ago, I had someone send me a DM with the back story as written by the Paulick report privately to defame Dina's Character.

From Some guy @JeffreyMeltonJ1 that has a HUGE problem with my blog he claims - specifically - my article on the DEAD Baffert horses.

But a closer look at this twitter profile - after several rude and degrading comments meant to discredit my blog - I saw he was affiliated with the University of Kentucky - who I had just so happened to find a horse bred by them in a kill pen.

I notified the University through Twitter and nobody replied.

Allegedly they were all set to adopt it, and someone else came to the kill pen and "bought it underneath them" sometimes that is code for someone paid the kill pen off to quietly ship it, and sometimes it means that someone really did adopt it. Who knows. They sent a vicious troll to come at me, instead of simply answering my question at all or showing any concern for their horse in the kill pen or compassion, they simply ALL ignored me. XOXO

His profile last week...

What the troll don't slide into your DM's is the Rick Dennis side of the story that exonerates Dina Alborano.

Now where you stand on the issue-

whether you stand with CP Pollock, Maggi Moss, Victoria Keith and Donna Brothers -who say "Let em Ship"

Or Dina Alborano and Bob Baffert

I find it odd that NEITHER Ray Paulick or Rick Dennis mentioned Bob Baffert in any of this, and to this day he has not recanted his support for Dina Alborano.

More on that here...

More horses found in the kill pen last week...

Gentlemen's Half Found in a kill pen the last week of March 2022.

"Gentleman's Half" was last raced 11/8/18 at Delta Downs before getting killed in 2022.

Also killed was "Mr Leo" bred by Hill and Dale Farms who sell million dollar horses trained by Bob Baffert.

As of 3/27/22 these horses were killed and were entirely ignored by the above mentioned entities.

You can find the tweet here.

Last video of "Mr. Leo" bred by Hill and Dale Farms - before he was shipped to slaughter.

No reply from Hill and Dale Farms

No reply from Hill n Dale Farm.

The same week at Hill n Dale farms...

The day before I tweeted them, this too went ignored.

March 24 i tried.

They all shipped to slaughter.

Now I can't even post the tweet because @strandedpsyche blocked me.

The thoroughbred industry works their magic fast. XOXO

The green box is twitter censoring the photo.

Does she work for the kill pens or NTWO? Not sure...

Did someone pay her to block me? Who knows. XOXO

This is the update on what NTWO has been doing at auction, Victoria Keith - Fox Hills Farm - whose "Omaha Beach" bred foal was just born in above video at the top of the post, just letting them ship and get bought by kill buyers.

(Not an endorsement of Randi Collier).

Victoria Keith saying if you really care about horses you will out bid the kill buyer - so why did "Mr. Leo" ship last week, a perfectly healthy horse to make room for more horses bred by a lame one named "Omaha Beach" - one whose owners Fox Hill Farms/NTWO/Rick Porter/Victoria Keith profitted $22 million off of. XOXO

Someone ask Victoria Keith - how many more the breeders are going to breed and profit off after the horse at the kill buyers is shipped? She's so worried about the kill buyers buying more, where are they getting them from?

All of Fox Hill Farms were "dispersed" at auction this past fall.

Meanwhile the breeding continues...long after Rick Porter lived.

The vicious cycle of breeding and shipping continues...

Nobody cared. Nobody replied. NONE of these people. They let him die.


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