Perhaps PETA, Horse Racing Wrongs, and NTWO are just there to control the opposition. How much in government money have they received? How much in George Soros Dollars? How much from Delta and Evangeline downs which PETA OWNS STOCK IN and who hired NTWO? To steer the horse racing anger away from the real problems in racing and redirect them, under their control, to agencies that are already hated venomously, so they are unable to get results, as easily as organic non hated organizations are.
What has PETA done, name one specific action, or newspaper clipping in the last two years, other then buy into Churchill Downs, Evangeline Downs and Delta Downs and increase their bottom line off the misery of the horses raced there?
Is that REALLY who you think your opposition is? Is that REALLY who you believe lobbied Donald Trump to pass the HISA act to regulate the drugs in horse racing in the Corona bill? Is that REALLY where you think all this pressure to reform is coming from, PETA??? LMFAO.
No it is all just regular common people, some of them I have read comments- Don't even like animals- and still think you are bastards for the way you treat them and should be banned. It has gone FAR BEYOND simply the animal rights activists, now common NON ANIMAL LOVING FOLK want you shut down too - IT IS THAT BAD - Horse racing's reputation is in the gutter. A sport this dirty can't last long, it just can't. XOXO
Link https://dailygazette.com/2021/07/30/editorial-keep-up-the-pressure-on-the-horse-racing-industry/
Note: To Victoria Keith, Maggi Moss, Paulick Report and Donna Brothers KEEP telling everyone it is PETA that is your enemy, it makes our job SO MUCH EASIER AS WE RUN CIRCLES AROUND YOU! THANK YOU! XOXO
How frustrating for our enemies - when they try to silence us...
We get a million times more publicity...
How frustrating for our enemies - when they think they have eliminated one tens of thousands more appear in their place...
You can't stop an idea...whose time has come...XOXO
Thank you for writing this editorial in the Daily Gazette! Great article!
Thank you for the link to the New York horse statistics - regarding equine deaths in New York.
Here it is...

Yes, the horse racing industry should hang their heads low in shame for letting the slaughter get so bad, all of them - THEY ALL KNEW!
Yet as the above comment illustrates they would rather just shut down the industry - rather then take responsibility for the foals they buy for a lifetime. And So It Is...#EndHorseRacing XOXO

Can anyone reading this, circle where any of the above commentators are card carrying members of Peta, Horse Racing Wrongs or NTWO??? I am just NOT seeing it...are you?