Updated 4/24/22

3/20/14 Hub Johnson quits working for Asmussen (8 days before "allegedly" shooting himself one day after his name appeared in the Peta Video expose in the NY Times shaming the Asmussen operation).

3/22/14 Scott Blasi is Fired by Steve Asmussen after PETA video drops.

3/26/14 Ahmed Zayat FIRES Trainer Steve Asmussen after Peta Video drops.

3/28/14 Jockey Club President Ogden Phipps publicly states anyone using a machine should be banned from horse racing for life.
Same day Hub Johnson allegedly shoots himself though friends and family saw ZERO signs he was suicidal, upset yes, suicidal no.
Sheriff erronously writes in report - he was hearing voices - Mom clarifies that never happened, Sheriff later admits it may have been a "mistake".
Ogden Mills Phipps, chairman of The Jockey Club, issued a statement advising Asmussen to stay away from Churchill Downs during the week of the Kentucky Derby “for the good of the game.”

5/2/14 "Valediction" the alleged "Rat" referenced by Scott Blasi trained by Steve Asmussen in the Peta Video is a the Grandson of "Seattle Slew" he is allegedly rescued the SAME DAY to save face possibly - that Steve Asmussen and owners "Winchell Thoroughbreds" win the Kentucky Oaks.
He is rescued by the Simpsons Co-Creater Sam Simon (allegedly by Peta). However he dies less than 6 months later - and the horse is never updated on.) It is possible it was quietly shipped to slaughter and this was a "cover story". The timing is FISHY AF.

5/2/14 Steve Asmussen and Winchell Thorougbreds ignore the Jockey Club President Ogden Phipps warnings and race in the Kentucky Oaks (day before Kentucky Derby-races at Churchill Downs) and win with horse "Untapable".
Sam Simon is a PETA Board Member and "allegedly" paid $60,000 for a "rat".

With PETA owning stock in Churchill Downs - does it make sense for their own board member to buy the horse the day Asmussen wins the Kentucky Oaks?

When did PETA become share holders of Churchill Downs, before or after the PETA/Asmussen video?
Before or after the alleged rescue of the "rat" in the video by a PETA board member AFTER it was ALREADY recovering in a pool.

7/29/14 Steve Asmussen rehires Scott Blasi.

George Soros stock ownership in Churchill Downs 2014.
8/21/14 article

1/15/15 KHRC Clears Asmussen in Peta Video charges. After winning the Kentucky Oaks to allegedly save face for Churchill Downs/Kentucky Derby reputation.

2/8/15 Alleged rescuer Sam Simon of Simpsons t.v. show (creator) - presents in the hospital per his tweet vomiting blood.

3/9/15 "alleged rat" "Valediction" rescuer Sam Simon dies less than a year after rescuing the horse. No updates on the horse since, was it quietly shipped?

11/23/15 NYS Gaming Commission clears Steve Asmussen and fines him, saving face after Kentucky Derby win.

2018 Steve Asmussen has two drug positives for Acepromazine
As of 2022 almost FOUR YEARS LATER they are still waiting for a trial he has NOT been banned yet.

"Silver Fin" is rescued from a kill pen

12/25/19 "Won Again" was found in the kill pen over Christmas and "allegedly" rescued by fraudulent rescue Soul Horse TX, Randi Collier.

Bred by Steve Asmussen.

Post from Soul Horse TX (upper left corner) Won Again Last raced at Delta Downs 12/12/18 found in the Kill Pen over Christmas 12/25/18.

4/17/22 "Midnight Bourbon" Owned by Winchell Thoroughbreds Trained by Steve Asmussen up and dies of Gastrointestinal Distress after racing in Dubai. Dies at Churchill Downs, although the owners own a different racetrack in Kentucky and it's last race was in Dubai.

Allegations "TenFold" who has won a million dollars for "Winchell thoroughbreds" and trained by Steve Asmussen was sold back into the slaughter pipeline at auction after 32 races and winning over a million dollars.

Mattress Mack bet $3 million on Steve Asmussen trained "Epicenter" (Winchell Farms).

Note: Steve Asmussen attorney who also represents Baffert who has been on a courtroom losing streak along with Stormy Daniels, instead of owning the rat comments and acknowleding the battered condition of the horse, claim they did right by "Valediction" the horse they bragged and laughed about dumping in a claiming race.
Remember that anytime Clark Brewster opens his mouth. XOXO

TWO of the employees during the Asmussen/Zayat days - were killed under mysterious circumstances.
1) Hub Johnson who went to the U of Kentucky
2) Miguel Mena - a jockey - who conveniently missed a flight once so he allegedly didn't have to ride for them.
What did they know? Were they silenced.
Both had close ties to Asmussen/Zayat/ and Churchill Downs.
Rex Ecarma was the man driving the vehichle that killed Miguel Mena he was a tennis coach still on the U of Kentucky payroll at the time, even though he was fired for bullying after working there for over 20 years.

NOT saying PETA was not involved. XOXO

Lately it occurs to me, if LE and the horse racing media did even a satisfactory job I wouldn't have SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS...neither would you dear readers...XOXO

Did they want to CONTROL the animal rights movements in the same way Biden/Harris co -opted the BLM movement for their campaign for political reasons?
Is PETA the Antifa they send in (both sponsored by George Soros) to make people who stand up for a righteous cause look like deranged lunatic extremists?
We know PETA is partnered with the Stronach Group a racetrack with over 49 dead horses in one year, what animal rights activist in their right minds would partner with them?
#StrangeBedfellows do they have an agenda? BOTH working together? With Churchill Downs - whom PETA owns shares in?
Why is PETA doing promotional work for racing?
Other than taking the heat off the Kentucky Derby what did it serve to allegedly "rescue" a horse that was in rehab?
Did it finish it's rehab or was it shuffled off to some horse hoarder or worse to slaughter?
Where are the updates?

Still waiting to hear a response from Peta so I re-asked again today this time @kathygfrompeta. We will see if she blocks me and hides...or provides the info. #WeWait XOXO

More questions for PETA to answer.

This was Valediction's FINAL RACE. 8/1/13 but PETA did not "rescue" it for another 9 months. WHY? Why on Kentucky Oaks day? The SAME EXACT DAY Asmussen won it after being advised by the Ogden Phipps of the Jockey Club NOT to race that day?
Why is PETA helping the Kentucky Derby/ Kentucky Oaks OR Steve Asmussen/Winchell Thoroughbreds save face?

Why did PETA pay $60,000 for a $20,000 horse known now WORLDWIDE as a rat - when it hadn't raced in 9 months?
If the horse WAS raced again, wouldn't that have proved PETA's Point?
Why wait 9 months and until AFTER the video dropped - THEN "rescue" it? They filmed Blasi the day he was claimed - so obviously they had knowledge of it at the time it was claimed - assuming they had to be there, or have put cameras there - when it happened -the date of it's last race.
Why did PETA wait until AFTER the video dropped to "rescue" the horse - they had prior knowledge of it's situation?

The main focus - is Hub Johnson's testimony - he said the stuff about the machine.
Then the day he died Ogden Phipps said anyone using a machine/buzzer/machana should be banned from racing.
Why wasn't Asmussen and Blasi banned then?
Why didn't Ogden Phipp's follow up with his claims?
Where is the testimony from Hub Johnson regarding the machines he refers to in the Courier Journal article?
Why is PETA covering this all up?
Why won't they produce his transcripts?
How involved was the PETA operative with Scott Blasi?
Were they dating?
Did she tell him what Hub Johnson allegedly told her?
Why didn't PETA release the tapes they said the KHRC had them. Why not share them with the public?
It is not because they dropped the matter. They are still tweeting about it.
If PETA is going to keep bringing it up - why cover up the testimony - there was a lot more than 8 minutes of footage - where is it all?

Why didn't Ogden Phipps make a big public skeptical and keep his word and Ban Asmussen when his jockey Roman Chapa was charged with using a machine in Texas on 1/17/15?

Where is the 285 page report alleged by the KHRC to have been written by undercover PETA operative Kerin Rose - why was this presented to the NYS Gaming ass and not to the KHRC? Where is the 7 hours of video.
@Peta @KathyGFromPeta Release it to the public if you are not hiding anything?

Before the PETA/Asmussen/Blasi/Zayet Sting Operation there was the #BunnyRaid also peformed by Peta's Kerin Rosen.
A simple google search of her name would have provided this evidence to Steve Asmussen's HR dept when they hired her. XOXO
8/23/12 The bunny lady did not get off as easy as Asmussen did.

Link to Blasi's texts as documented in the KHRC 200 plus page report on this incident.
Texts from report from Rosen and Blasi.

Hub Johnson "He was alarmed because he told her what one of the biggest vets and what one of the biggest trainers in horse racing were doing."
Where is this footage - where is the statement from Peta or Kerin Rosen on this one? Did she edit it out to protect her lover Scott Blasi?

What is MOST disturbing is the sex texts confirming the sexual relationship are dated - August 25th and the video didn't drop until March. That is diabolical. Evidently Scott Blasi did not see the red flags that the woman he was banging told the "little fuck Mike" whomever that is - (a jockey???) that she loved him. She really threw herself into this expose. The sad thing is, PETA didn't recognize this, and threw her to the wolves to, when they released these scandalous tapes. Who can read that and not think she is a diabolical slut? This reflect back on PETA - that they did not immediately end her assignment and put someone else with even a shred of credibility to go in there and finish the job. She was obviously compromised at that point. What if she got pregnant - she would have been 7 months pregnant when the video dropped. Would she have to testify against her baby Daddy? If he married her, they couldn't force her to testify, many people get engaged after 7 months of dating some get married by that point. How can she be an unbiased credible witness at that point? Impossible.
What jury could over look that? Including the incredibly inept KHRC and NYS Gaming Comm. - they made the right decision. Even though so much of the video looks incriminating, and otherwise could have been - you have to draw the line somewhere and she lost all credibility with me after reading those texts, as I imagine she would almost all jurors. #FuckPeta
