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#PfuckPfizerPfunnies LOL :P #Lulz XOXO

This ENTIRE article is HILARIOUS!!! Evidently Pfizer is getting SHREDDED on social media after posting it's conspiracy theory/trust the science creepy meme.

I have to share so much of this thred, because lololololololololololololololololol

Let's begin...XOXO

The following excerpts were taken from the above website...LOLOLOLOL

Woke Twitter Mob Turns on Pfizer! XOXO

Spotted...Pfizer Executives feeling the brunt of the #DirtyBird Woke Mob...and it's only the beginning lololololol XOXO

Here is the actual meme posted by Pfizers twitter. :/

Remember that scene from the movie "Roadhouse" when the band was playing behind chain link fence and the rowdy crowd was crashing and breaking beer bottles against it they were throwing at the band shattering beer and glass all over?

Ummmm...ya, that is the response that meme yielded the Social Media version of that.

Both Presidential Candidates are working hard to inject you with this vaccine though...XOXO

Okay enough about back to the funny pictures...XOXO

Now whomever Pfized this is #PfunnyAF :P

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