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Police Chief In Georgia Says 75% of the Police Officers Walked Out With Him...

Over Not Getting Vaccinated. Where are the other 25% of the Officers At??? What happened to the Thin Blue Line???

Perhaps when the city is taken back by it's residents if that happens, they ought to fire those 25% for not standing with their co-workers, who wants to work with Fellow Officers that do NOT have YOUR BACK??? I thought they were willing to die for each other? But obviously not willing to lose their jobs...somethings off with that 25%.

It's nice to see the former police feeding the homeless, I remember a time not too long ago Armed Patriots had to show up to keep the "peace" so the Police would not interfere with the Good Samaritans out there feeding the homeless. Tables are turning today - history is in the making and we already know how this ends, with GOD on our side-WE WIN!!! Soon we find out who the REAL HEROES ARE!!! #OneLove <3 _/\_XOXO

Meanwhile in Seattle, police there are saying their final goodbyes to co-workers.

To All Of The Police Officers Who Left The Police Force Today over refusing to get vaccinated, or take the Mark Of The Beast, or to walk down the road leading to take the Mark of The Beast, or for whatever reason they are objecting to it, I apologize for saying ACAB or #FTP after the George Floyd killing, and snuff film that the media aired locally 24/7.

Evidently there were good ones on the police force, obviously not the ones who were spraying peaceful protestors in the face with mace or hitting them with rubber bullets, those ones are obviously still employable, and got vaxxed forsure-but the ones who lost their jobs lately for standing up to this monster that is taking over our country to them I apologize. My prayers are with you. Do something that matters, do something that will make a difference. Our country is an out of control train, waiting for the right person, to be Heroic enough to take the wheel and save us all from the inevitable.


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