I knew the elections were rigged when Ron Paul was winning in Iowa, and they completely rigged it so he lost. I saw it all then and have never voted since, that was back in 2011 over ten years ago.
Imagine if Ron Paul had been President...
Would we be where we are today???

Was it an invisibility cloak, or is the media deeply ingrained in our political swamp - paid well to ignore any adversaries that rise up, to silence and control anyone who is not part of the swamp??? You tell me...these stories sound cute, but when added up it is a complete and total communist take down of our Free Press and our Free Society.
Theoretically if the Federal Reserve which is not controlled by our government or voted in by it's people, can just print all the money it wants to, how can anyone possibly EARN enough to compete with them? Who can earn money faster than the Fed can print it?
What wage slave has that ability? NOT a Doctor, NOT EVEN A SURGEON, NOT an Attorney, not even the Attorney Generals have that ability, not Bill GATES, NOT EVEN PFIZER HAS THAT POWER NOT even a slumlord like Jared Kushner even if they owned half of Manhattan or all of it for that matter. With money you can control the media or the masses - why else do you think millions upon millions of people - willingly took a death job, some were forced, some were threatened with homelessness for their families and themselves, but in the end millions consented. All "Brought to you by Pfizer" or one of it's corrupt cronies netting them billions in this giant Rona Hoax on the people.
Millions also stood their ground and refused to let that poison usher through their veins.
They are our only hope at this point for the future w/ the exception of a few "wild cards" who took the "vaccine" and are well aware their clock is now ticking. The vaccine non consenters though are our only long term hope because they can see through the illusion and they will be here in the future. Sadly many of the "Wild Cards" will not.
Would Trump have got the following he gained, many of whom have jumped ship? I understand their humiliation, and their heartbreak. I too, once believed in someone, I too once thought Randi Collier was a hero - someone who would risk her life to rescue horses and had saved hundreds - until I learned to listen to those who hated her. Until I learned to research for myself into what they were saying. Until I learned the heart breaking truth about Randi Collier and the fate of so many horses I once thought were "safe" from slaughter. This is a heavy weight and sadness to carry throughout life. Just like the sadness carried by so many Trump followers who whole heartedly believed he was going to save America, he was going to bring back factory jobs paying $30 plus an hour back to the hardest hit communities in America from China and Mexico.

This hasn't happened, instead we have Frank Stronach with all his factories including his Magna's electric car factories, STILL in China, and Trump hasn't brought a single factory back that I can think of, including his own daughters clothing lined now sold cheaply in thrift stores for pennies.
Billionaire Frank Stronach (partnered with Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska) owns Magna - an electric car manufacturer with factories in China.
Frank Stronach also sits on 30,000 acres within a 3 hour drive to Ft. Myers and has not opened his doors to help a single soul who lost everything or a rescuer or rebuilder.

Trump didn't create relocation zones or build tiny homes to move people to when the hurricanes or wild fires roll in, and anyone paying attention knows this is going to continually happen, yet with all that government money and planning they never quite bother to plan properly. How hard is it, when a wildfire rolls through to have airplanes ready to disperse water like they do chemtrails and just follow their same chemtrail dropping grid like patterns they do now, I can't tell you how many times they have made a perfect X over my house with chemtrails, if they can do that to my home, surely they can target a raging inferno, no??? SO why don't they??? Why are we always caught with our pants down, like a country full of clowns, when any natural disaster strikes? EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. a clown car of fools from the government doing everything the worst possible way to make the disasters as deadly and painful as possible for the humans and animals effected by them??? Come to think of it Trump didn't build anything. Neither has Biden, who LITERALLY even has "Build Back Better" in his campaign slogan. What has he built since he became President of the United States? Point to something tangible. Anything?
Instead of organized relief we get organized chaos from our government - all by design.
First they create the problem then they offer a New World Order.
My reaction to hearing FEMA, Red Cross, Desantis and Joe Biden would be helping to rebuild Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach, Punta Gorda, and Sanibel island. The circus is in town and we have stood down to let them reach full exposure this time. It took years for this to be revealed after the BLM Riots which outed Mayor Mom Jeans, and Tim Walz but it works and it's simple, requires zero effort on our end. :) It takes YEARS for the public to figure it out, but there are already private investigators hired by people searching for loved ones in Ft Myers and very well educated weather specialists piecing things together as I type. #GodSpeed my prayers for their safety and that they can root out the truth once and for all.
What about all the crimes committed by Hillary Clinton and her Clinton Foundation? Trump did not "lock her up" in fact her daughter Chelsea, owns an apartment that spans an entire city block in NYC. Who needs that much space? How is she getting money to pay for it, it isn't from her Jewish Husband, he is not the money making machine Trump's daughter is married to.

Just like finding out the horses you donated to, are not safe after all and have been hoarded, and more than likely shipped to slaughter - even worse they have been under the care of the kill buyers Uncle who is profiting off your donations. There are not enough showers to wash the slime off once you realize you were once duped by these idiots. Duped to donate money and even worse sing their praises to people.
Even worse you get a video of the person you donated to, flicking you off.
If they are going to make nasty videos like this, they should at least give you your money back right?
Below is an actual photo of Randi Collier @soulhorses AKA Soul Horse TX- interacting with her FORMER donors.

It's embarrassing to admit you were duped. It makes it so hard to trust or believe in anyone again, so you can either go hide in your hole and never come out and just let our society go to shit, or you can publicly own your mistake, do everything you can to call out the person who is committing this fraud on everyone, report it to your FORMER bank, FORMER credit card company, the police, Texas Attorney General, Better Business Bureau as I have YEARS AGO NOW, who will basically do nothing - while the fraudulent person carries on. However, be aware you will most likely lose your social media pages when righting these social injustices and crimes. This control grid is very carefully orchestrated by our government which controls our social media.
Either way, our world is collapsing in on us, if we are not doing every thing we can to call these frauds out once we find out they are wolves in sheep's clothing not doing what they are pretending to do - we don't even stand a chance. We HAVE to go through the humiliating process of admitting we were wrong, we have to say we too have been fooled and led astray, maybe it was getting vaccinated, for some people it may have been getting vaccinated multiple times, for some of you it may have even been "the vaccination" of your kids. If your child dies as a result of the vaccine and Doctors are "baffled" - the day you realize you made the decision to inject YOUR OWN CHILD with something deadly - and didn't research it thoroughly and ignored - maybe you even persecuted, fired or otherwise tried to destroy those warning you. That is a very hard pill to swallow.
Getting duped by Randi was likewise a very hard pill to swallow, because it meant she was evil, it means the Doctors and the Pharmaceutical companies, and the Politicians pushing and mandating the vaccines, maybe even your own boss, are ALL EVIL and are pushing a drug on you that THEY NOW KNOW IS DEADLY. It's so hard to accept that someone can be that evil, and just like with Randi Collier there was no gray area, she was either an Angel or a Saint or a VERY EVIL BITCH, and it was far easier for me to believe people are good, than to accept that a woman in Texas could be the devil herself. But facts are facts. Randi Collier is the devil herself, and every day we see people dropping like flies and Doctors are "baffled". Just like Randi Collier- Pfizer is either the devil himself - or a Saint sent to save millions of people. Time has told us now; nobody is safe from the Rona and people are dropping dead on live T.V. now from the vaccine on a routine basis.

At this point, whether you believed in Randi Collier, like me or Trump, or Pfizer and were duped, or you believed in BLM and maybe even donated, then found out that too was a fraud and their leader like the ASPCA was out buying real estate with the money that had nothing to do with the cause they were raising it for - the majority if not ALL OF US have been duped, lied to and betrayed, for the most part in a very public and humiliating fashion
Yet we still have massive power and strength amongst us, that has not diminished - finding out our leader is corrupt is a blow to our causes, but we are not inept and powerless to correct the course and change direction. Some of you may have been vaccinated and over vaccinated, and have little time left - you are now wild cards. Do what you want with this info. Time is running out. XOXO
So the swamp still rages on around us and we look collectively around yet what would Jesus do, he'd look at you all and say - Whomever in this crowd - who has tried to make the world a better place, to clean up the backyard they are complaining about, who donated, shared memes, stood up - and NOT found out the person they were "following" or promoting was a liar, fraud, and a betrayer of yours and the public's trust, may YOU throw the first stone. Is there anyone out there left that hasn't been duped in one way or another by our government or a horse rescuer who may or may not work for our government? If you are out there, if you exist, if there is even ONE person wanting to throw stones, who has never been wrong in their judgement of someone - holler at me. If you have never stood for ANYTHING or ANYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP and sit back down, your silence is consent.
As for the rest of us, if you had great passion for the person you believed in, instead of picking up a stone, pick up where they left off, do what you thought they were doing, they being the person you were following the person you believed in, become that politician, become that horse hero, fill the void you are mourning, don't let the shame and stench and humiliation you feel, the betrayal, keep you down, look past your rage and stand up, keep going, brush your shoulders off, hold your head high, admit your mistake, admit it as publicly as you sang the praises - and don't be ashamed of doing the right thing, people are human, we make mistakes, it is how we handle them when we find out the truth that defines our characters.
Our world needs great leadership, our government knows this, Cambridge Analytica knows this, they know YOU are out there, they know YOU have the right words, if they didn't feel that -their entire business model of spying on social media to use your words - in their wolves in sheep's clothing's mouths, would not exist. Those words you hear "Drain the swamp" "lock her up" "bring our jobs back from Chi-na" #EndTheFed do not begin OR END with Trump and #EndKilllPens and bailing thoroughbreds and raising awareness of kill pens and horse abuse does not begin or end with Randi Collier. Nor does it begin or end with the House Energy & Commerce Committee and it's leader Frank Pallone from New Jersey who thwarted the effforts of OVER 85% of Americans to end the slaughter of our beloved horses through our congress which was guaranteed to pass if they had not personally thwarted it. THAT IS NOT DEMOCRACY!!!
Black rights did not begin and it does not END with BLM. Together we far out number our evil government and those who choose to dupe and deceive. It is how we handle our fragile egos after being made fools of that will define us going forward. Accept your own humility. Own it, learn from it, get up, dust yourself off, and do better. If you fall off a horse, you get back on, you don't sit there feeling sorry for yourself and this is no different. Now git! Together #WeRide!!! #OneLove #OpUnity XOXO