We spent over 12,000 Million dollars on this "vaccine" that has made everything worse. The #s had started to wane before the vaccine came around now the hospitalizations are up across the country over this time last year, with MORE people needing hospitalization not less. If the vaccine worked, and the majority of the country took this poison, which is doubtful, then these #s would NOT be possible. End.Of.Story. XOXO

Last year at this time, NOBODY was vaccinated and our #s were much lower...how can it be? How did vaccinating over 60% of people over the age of 5, as they claim - to get people to take it - follow the herd - create a dramatic INCREASE in hospitalizations? If the vaccine worked AT ALL this would be impossible.
And despite the fake #s and news reports and fear mongering by the local media, I STILL DO NOT KNOW ANYONE IN MINNESOTA -WHO HAS DIED FROM CORONA...XOXO

One day you are a Veterinarian, the next day you are a billionaire CEO of a company that produced a vaccine that not only doesn't work, but causes people to literally drop dead and you are 100% protected from being sued...just swimming in money...while 25,000 people starve to death everyday. Ya sure, we are all in this together, ya sure, this vaccine is for the greater good...ya sure...you betcha...XOXO
When you are vaccine damaged and go to Pfizer for a refund...
Now Pfizers like...
When the lawyers are done with Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson...for selling snake oil and find a loop hole to sue them for vaccine damage anyways...