Stand UP Against This TYRANNY!!! XOXOOct 14, 20211 min readHow it's done...#TextBook XOXOLink #TakeItAndShoveITEntire Construction Crew walks out, after being told they needed to get the Jab or get fired. The boss followed them out and before they could even left said they changed their mind they NO LONGER NEEDED TO GET VAXXED.#OpUnity #Solidarity #HoldTheLine #JustSayNo XOXO
How it's done...#TextBook XOXOLink #TakeItAndShoveITEntire Construction Crew walks out, after being told they needed to get the Jab or get fired. The boss followed them out and before they could even left said they changed their mind they NO LONGER NEEDED TO GET VAXXED.#OpUnity #Solidarity #HoldTheLine #JustSayNo XOXO
Fair Warning Was Given - An Opportunity To Get Right ENTIRELY IGNORED NOW #ShutEmDOWN XOXO LOVE AND PRAYER