Chicago's Mayor Lightfoot, said the Chicago Bears would never leave Chicago, she called their bluff, then the Chicago Bears bought Arlington Park. Evidently the Mayor was wrong. Now she fired over 1/3 of the Chicago police for not getting vaccinated...and plans to call in police from other departments who are now denying her request.
Lightfoot's next plan is to call in the National Guard, she is so desperate she doesn't realize the police officers are unvaccinated she wants to replace the unvaccinated with. Makes ZERO sense, she is playing russian roulette with her city. She already lost the Bears, she may soon lose the whole city to crime. Evidently the Bears got out just in the nick of time.
They say a stitch in time saves nine...
Evidently Lightfoot doesn't see it that way, there are now "container ships" lining up outside Chicago on Lake Michigan just like they are surrounding California.
Somethings Off.
Firing 1/3 of the police is part of the take down. We know who is guilty of these crimes they are comitting them in the wide open. XOXO

#HoldTheLine #StandUp XOXO

Are Container Ships trojan horses? Shouldn't we be unloading and inspecting them...wouldn't that be fun to live stream?

If I were a Chicago police officer who refused to get a deadly and potentially handicapping vaccine to keep my job, where I get shot at already on a daily basis, I would simply follow the Police Union's orders, and take a Eddy here...XOXO

Don't get vaccinated...GOD always finds a way...<3 _/\_
Indiana State Police already recruiting the unvaxxed former Chicago Police Officers.
#HugeMistakeLightFoot was it intentional? Many of those officers may be gone forever.
