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The Difference Between A Saint and a Prodigal and WHY the Prodigal's Are Being Called Now To RETURN HOME TO GOD. XOXO

A Saint is a man who has lead a life clean and free of sin, abstained from the fruits of the flesh, and the demons that go along with it, has abstained from the whiskey, and the demons it induces - and avoided the pitfalls of others with grace and poise.

A Prodigal is a person, who has fallen victim to a vice or many vices, perhaps it was drinking too much whiskey, sleeping with men or women before marriage, using the Lords' name in vain, disrespecting GOD, violent acts, and not obeying the Father - in a myriad of other ways/sins. Who then one day, wakes up - repents - realizes how far they have fallen down this rabbit hole of a tempting material/physical world away from the Spiritual world, repents and walks the line - the same path as the righteous Saint has been walking all along, coming home to understand the ways of the LORD are the true path to heaven and the higher realms/blessings on Earth. One who turns their back on sins at any cost, and walks tall in the eyes of the LORD - who baptizes them, and washes away their sins - redressing them in the clean cloaks of the Saints. A sinner turned Saint.

I highly doubt - when they named her Apollonia and paraded her in the clothes of the stripper - this lady had heard of the Saint Apollonia - and how she sacrificed herself for Jesus name. She didn't know she was making a mockery of the cross. Over time, she woke up and repented and turned her life to Jesus. A clear example of two women with the same name, one a Saint and one a Prodigal. Which one does the devil fear more? The prodigals are the wildcards - each one a bigger threat to the establishment than the next. Who will be our next Prodigal to step forward - and dust off their boots, and become reborn - baptized in the ways of the righteous ones? Time will tell...XOXO

Photo - Denise Mathews AKA Vanity - who played "Appollonia" before she became a Prodigal of GOD pictured in the movie "Purple Rain."

Odd the name of this paper is "the Daily Beast" -

not sure they do the story justice.

Where are these prodigal's to be found? Wherever there was darkness. You will find them in the casinos, the brothels, the bars, strip clubs, porn channels, Only Fans, News Agencies, Reporters, Former Police Officers, Judges, Attorneys, Politicians, Wall Street, Hollywood, Doctors, Surgeons, there are endless occupations of people who fall to the prey of the devils low hanging fruit (vices) daily. They are all just one "a-ha" moment away from turning their lives around, and the fun part is - most of them don't even know it yet.

Why am I so intrigued and interested in the Prodigals? Because THEY are the outliers, THEY are the ones who will flip this system on it's head. They are the ones, who when THEY return to GOD, and the ways of the RIGHTEOUS - will bring the knowledge and have the most insight into how to fight the darkness that dwells in the paths they have been on. They will have the wisdom to oppose the Evil ones - they will know their names and faces, and when they tell their stories, the above mentioned entities will have no where to hide, like Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein, how many prodigals in Hollywood alone - the Corey Haims of the world, need to awake - and let the world simply know their truth, their story - what they know - to bring the system crashing down? Five? What if only FIVE of the biggest names in Hollywood - were to simply have an awakening, and turn their lives to Jesus? What if they revealed the darkness we all know is there - and dropped names and evidence. How many prodigals do we need to come out of Hollywood to drop the curtain? How many from Wall Street? From Pfizer? From our Courts? From our Police Department? How many prodigals can the swamp handle - turning their lives to GOD - and speaking out against their former institutions will it take for the light to rule over the darkness?

The Saints have always had a place at the Lord's tables, and they have often wondered why there are so many empty chairs here - for those are saved - for the Prodigals, when they return home. Do you wish a place at the LORD's Elite table? Or do you want to be cast aside with the sinners?

What happens when we add 7 more chairs to this table? The entire other side is empty FOR A REASON. - Take a step that is new, we've been waiting for you...

What will it gain a man to profit the world - if he loses his soul? Therefore, it is time to take inventory - do you want to get to heaven and the higher realms, do you want to reform your life in God's image with his blessing upon your finances, marriage and children - or do you want to continue to stumble in the darkness - empowering those who traffic children, and women, and work daily to destroy our families, our culture and our way of life? You can NOT serve two masters. Choose wisely, I don't need ALL of you to repent, only a select few - the Chosen ONES - to find your inner nature - and do what needs to be done. Love and Prayers in Jesus name we pray - that the Prodigals will now return home. Amen. XOXO

For what does it benefit a caterpillar - to remain in his cocoon forever?

What happens - when the Caterpillar reaches it's divine destiny?

What happens when a Prodigal does the same?

#ButterflyEffect #ProdigalEffect and so it is...XOXO


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