The solution is simple.
I refuse to tell. Too many dead thoroughbreds shipped to Mexico and Canada and killed everyday. Let the tracks die one by one. Only way to end the bloody horror. Horse racing and all those collectively involved who profit off of it in anyway and have done or said nothing to stop the slaughter of 20,000 ex racehorses, should hang their heads in great shame at this point. You are in NO POSITION to ask for help. #EndKillPens
Finding homes for ex racehorses, rescuing them, forcing tax dollars to pay for prisoners to take them in, outright slaughtering them after shipping them on a hot truck often in labor or with broken bones to Canada or Mexico, is not the general public's responsibility. We shouldn't have to use our tax dollars to pay for the ottb's sent to the prisons, we shouldn't have to use our tax dollars to support racing, and we shouldn't have to beg ladies to give their last $3 to donate to aftercare when there are millionaires such as Steve Asmussen whose own horses he trained and has bred end up in there. This is not a sport, in the 1930's horse racing was a sport, now it is a den of vipers and junkies-who kill their "trainees" or "athletes" in a brutal and ruthless manner when they are used up and done with them with ill or no regard to their service to them.
