Death is everywhere in the industry, on the racetracks, and even if they survive they are most likely to end up in a kill pen, then a slaughter house, then a dinner plate.

From the Video above..."Wow Tapit"

I never wanted to live in Brooklyn as a human, much less a horse, but let's face it, if you had to choose between the racetrack, especially Santa Anita Park Death track, or their sister track also owned by Bill Clinton's ex lover Belinda Stronach - GulfStreamPark - this year's death track, where the above video took place, or in Baffert's barn, or to be sent in a shipping container overseas to Puerto Rico, or begging for your life in Jacob's killpen, only to be"rescued" by Randi Collier and boarded at his Uncle Urby Thompson's house - only to go back to the slaughter house where he has reportedly sent his OWN MARES! It would also suck as a female horse to be owned by Maggi Moss, as was "So Many Ways" - as she described her "an almost human like horse" to be sent to a Japanese breeder and be forced to mate and produce babies, probably "almost human like babies" - who are then taken from her and raced in places like Gulfstream above with fates like "Wow Tapits."
Suddenly Brooklyn... two broke girls... and a couple of those carrot cupcakes sound kinda nice...if only they could fire Bill De Blasio, and prosecute Cuomo, and take their city back, including re-opening the fires stations and rehiring the fire heroes they fired. They should find the ones who were there on 9/11. Guiliani provided them faulty radios, which is why far more fire fighters died on 9/11 then policemen, this isn't the first time they have been let down by their so called elected leaders. XOXO

What happened to the video the fire fighters made after 9/11 calling out Rudy Giulani for the deaths of over 100 of their brethren on 9/11 for sending them into the Twin Towers before the collapse with FAULTY RADIOS HE PROVIDED THEM???
Ordinarily I don't cite CNN as a source, but here they tell the story, and as you can see they admit the existence of the video made by the NYFD calling out Rudy Giuliani, so @YouTube where's the video??? @CNN Where is the link to the video, it would be a good time to review it again...would you think???
If you can't read it blame wix...seems to be made smaller then normal.
You will just have to click the link above. Sorry for re-directing you to CNN...seems counterproductive...:/

Oh look, the video is still up on YouTube, it just wasn't searchable...XOXO

Must be a circus in town...XOXO
Update: WOW!!! It appears Maggi Moss former Jockey who rode both "Native Ruler" and the above referenced "So Many Ways" was killed as a pedestrian in an auto accident in Louisville LAST NIGHT...

Is this manslaughter? Drunk Driving? Some Intentional? Some major details seem to be missing from the Paulick Report story. What happened to the who, what, when, where and why of journalism??? Dig deeper... Was he about to rat on someone???

Wait What???
He was killed by a vehicle and there is NO INVESTIGATION??? Who killed him??? WTF???
Who killed Miguel Mena??? Was it Teflon Bob, why the hell would they not release the name of the driver and the vehicle that struck and killed him???

What are the odds a horse owned and trained by Steve Asmussen is abused and/or ends up in the slaughter house? Where are the handicappers on this one? 95% likely??? 75%???
