Does anyone remember in 2020 when Trump was President and he said he was hoping that everything would be open back up by Easter, you know April 2020, then we were locked down for another YEAR after that, and now they are forcing their shots on people or firing them, they have already ran hundreds of thousands of small businesses into the ground, destroyed our culture and our favorite local restaurant and bar scene which is now a free for all for crime.
Twenty years ago, Minneapolis was a city with one of the funnest most vibrant night lifes on the planet, a night out with friends was surely spent bar hopping downtown from some of the hottest bars in the area, all arranged neatly in a nice square so you could walk around, and go outside and talk to everyone. People were friendly, women were beautiful, bands were rocking, parking lots were full, nightclubs had long lines to get in, and crime was rare, not something that would ever deter you from going into Minneapolis. Back then if you called the cops they showed up at least, and often times hung out at the local establishments in the city they protected, feeling welcome there.
Fast forward to today, cops may or may not come when called. Car jackings happen on the hour, shot spotter is going off left and right, innocent people are getting shot and killed in the cross hairs of violent gang shootings, we have an entire "No Go Zone" where George Floyd died where police will not even enter that has nightly shootings, beautiful women definitely do not feel safe going downtown and more likely then not do not frequent those establishments any longer. When the beautiful women stop coming to your bar and your city, the men with the money stop coming in too. Without that bars become unprofitable, and start hosting an increasingly seedier and seedier element.
All of the crime which is reported on daily on Twitter at @Crimewatchmpls - goes unreported in the local Star Tribune newspaper and the local media Kare11, Fox News, WCCO, none of them report on the nightly car jackings that once were nonexistent five years ago in Minneapolis, they do however push the defund the police agenda. Minneapolis is going to the DOGS with police - NO DOUBT ABOUT IT - they stand down and LET IT HAPPEN and if you noticed anything during the George Floyd Riots and the burning the 3rd police precinct that night is they STOOD DOWN AND LET IT HAPPEN, just like the NO GO ZONE there is a blanket STAND DOWN ORDER not to police crime there.
There is no question something needs to be done, citizens so scared, many who own their homes and have no where to go, because if they sell their homes there the homes in the suburbs are priced much higher, trapping them there. Banks won't give loans to seniors and retirees and young people and they descriminate it's been proven. So for them, they have NO CHOICE but to clean up this mess, as moving IS NOT an option.
We can't have the National Guard policing our streets, and in the past when the police actually did their jobs they were never necessary. Joe Biden's answer for firing everyone that has not been vaccinated is to replace them with the National Guard, who is he going to replace the National Guard with??? The former nurses, doctors, police officers, fire fighters and military who lost their jobs??? That for one would be ridiculous, and for two, they are not going to get vaccinated, so it will never happen. He is INTENTIONALLY destroying our country with his policies. The Minneapolis Police Department needs MAJOR work, maybe firing all of them and cleaning house, who knows what needs to happen, as they have let the city fall to the dogs. We DO NEED GOOD POLICE OFFICERS and A SHERIFF who is law abiding Patriot that will come in here and CLEAN THIS MESS UP- a man like Joe Clark from EastSide High, someone who grew up in Minneapolis, and will fight like HELL to clean it up for his friends and family who grew up here. Someone with brass balls, to step in and do what needs to be done.
So it has now been over a year and a half since the Plannedemic started shutting local businesses down, since crime has skyrocketed into the "new normal" and I STILL DO NOT KNOW A SINGLE PERSON that died of Corona YET - NADA - NOBODY!!! I have known A LOT of people who have died for various causes yet NOBODY who has died from the RONA.
Waking up this morning it ocurred to me that I actually KNOW more people who have been victims of Vehicular homicide then I do victims of the Rona. Two friends of our family were walking in Minneapolis in the Southern suberbs a couple in there 60's, not bothering anyone just out for an evening walk, husband and wife hand in hand in the nice weather when they were suddenly victims of a hate crime, they were plowed down by a truck that instantly killed both of them that night, as they were out walking together, with his truck and his vicious intent. The victims were white, the perpetrator was a "refugee", crimes like these are still happening here is a link to another one.
I know of another victim with blonde hair, and green eyes, that narrowly missed being run over in South Minneapolis, by a "refugee". She lived to tell about it, not everyone is so lucky, these are HATE CRIMES yet they rarely make the news. The other day, in Uptown Minneapolis a waitress that worked at FOGO De Chau amongst two other jobs she held was out with friends after work and she too was a victim of attempted vehicular homicide. You can read about her story here and her treatment in RainbowBridge. Please pray that she makes it.

What is REALLY GOING ON??? Where are the people doing the carjackings, and controlling the crime waves in Minneapolis coming from? What city leaders are covering up the crime and why is the media helping them?
Let's listen...

If your employees kept getting car jacked, and you owned the local pizza place or restaurant, how many of your drivers would have to get jacked before you gave the responding police department the information of the person who ordered the pizza, or dinner order???
Wouldn't you turn it over after the first driver? If the driver got car jacked, assaulted and robbed of their car, wouldn't you tell them the name of the person and the phone # that called and ordered the pizza that led to YOUR DRIVER going there in the first place - where they were subsequently robbed?
Why is Uber/Lyft denying the police this information? Why WON'T they tell them who made the calls? So many people are getting robbed of their cell phones in Minneapolis now too. Most likely that is who is making the calls, if Uber/MPD/Star Tribune worked their magic they could end this overnight by letting people know and taking action. Of course that won't fit in with there political agenda ran by local Democrats to defund the police.

Minneapolis wasn't a city known for carjackings this is all "new crime".

What happened to the who? what? when? where? In journalism? Who is causing the problem? Who is sacrificing the safety and industry of the city of Minneapolis, letting it fall to the dogs for political purposes to further their agenda? Who would do such a thing?

It would be nice if that speech could be put on youtube, FB makes you log in and most people don't use that predatory social media page any longer. XOXO

Proof of the cover up. Right here. XOXO Link

A closer look at the above photos so you can read them...

Next journalistic question is "What?" Well for the purposes of this story it would be the 50 Uber/Lyft Car Jackings since October in Minneapolis, as well as the vehicular homicide as the focus...

Anyone driving in Minneapolis is now could very possibly become a victim of carjacking, yet no news coverage.

Evidently the scandal dropped on MainStream Media on Oct. 22, but what took so LONG? Why wait until OVER 40 Lyft and Uber drivers were car jacked in Minneapolis ALONE to report on it???
Edit: It should say why did it take Mainstream media SO LONG to recognize the pattern, after @crimewatchmpls reported on ALL OF THEM...and had noticed a pattern immediately after the first few along with everyone else paying attention? Where is Uber? Our Democratic Government including Ilhan Omar? Joe Biden? A bunch of worthless do nothings. If this is how Uber and Lyft treat their employees putting their lives and automobiles at risk, they should not be allowed to operate in the United States. PERIOD. OUTLAWED. XOXO

Going back to Febuary 2021 Uber and Lyft were ALREADY aware of all of the Car jackings of their Uber/Lyft drivers in Chicago, so they can't say they don't know this is happening, they knew long BEFORE it STARTED HAPPENING IN MINNEAPOLIS. Look.

Another case of Uber/Lyft assisting the criminals to Jack their drivers...this claim came from Chicago LONG BEFORE this crime came to Minneapolis with people all saying the same story.
Yet when I go to the Uber Newsroom Uber website I am expecting this warning on the FRONT PAGE FIFTY DRIVERS CARJACKED IN MINNEAPOLIS WARNING!!! Yet no warnings!!! Not even on their media page
Yet it is happening NATIONALLY!!! Long before the FIFTY carjackings the last TWO MONTHS in Minneapolis of Uber/Lyft Drivers cars ALONE - there were 124 Nationwide this summer, long before these...
Again it Uber/Lyft is responsible, do you see a pattern here???
This could be coming to a city near you soon...

Is Uber covering this up? You tell me, I just went to their website and there are NO WARNINGS ANYWHERE that they have had over 175 of their OWN DRIVERS CAR JACKED ACROSS The NATION in 2021!!1 At LEAST that many, who is keeping track, besides @crimewatchmpls, who is a volunteer service not a service of the U.S. DOJ or any police dept or alphabet agency.
SO, I thought forsure if I search the media on uber's website SOMETHING would come up since as we showed you earlier the mainstream media in Minneapolis is now reporting on the Uber/Lyft jackings as of October 22. So if today is October 30th why are there no links to these stories on Uber's website???
Don't believe me, go search for yourself like I did, here is the link.
My search results from Uber's own website... YIELDED NOTHING!!!
If Dominos pizza had 50 local drivers in Minneapolis ALL get carjacked.
Meanwhile, they were still hiring drivers and not warning them on their websites.
And were not cooperating with police by giving them the information needed to catch the criminals, for example the person who called and ordered the pizza resulting in the driver getting jacked, we would at this point have to say Dominos is in on it right???
We'd realize at this point DOMINOS was the problem.
Only these are not pizza's, they are ride share services, and the drivers are real people, who bought their own vehicles with THEIR OWN MONEY, whose vehicles are being taken from them in record #s resulting in a HUGE CRIME WAVE enveloping the cities they operate in. #FACTS
