All roads today seem to be leading to Jackson, Mississppi for reasons this blogger does not yet understand...time will tell.
A quick look at current events - the capital of Mississippi - is out of water.
Think about it. What does that say about America that this is happening that this is being entirely ignored?
Instead of draining the swamp it is now literally draining us. Silence is consent. XOXO

City by City, the U.S. is being turned into a 3rd world country.
The National Guard is like the new Mommy.
If you don't have water to drink go to the National Guard.
Both in Ft Myers and now Jackson Mississippi - which has not been hit with a hurricane btw.
Yet, the people there are facing grim conditions, in both places.
This is what relying on the government looks like.
This is basically martial law w/ out enacting martial law.
Once conditions are destroyed the people become compliant for water, or food or a place in the superdome. Leave the city - find work else where on a yacht, as a live in Nanny, on a cruise ship or a farm, a fishing boat, or anywhere that you can save money to get to your chosen destination. Just keep moving. Staying around asking the government for a handout is a lose/lose situation, one you won't get out from under. They will NEVER give you what you deserve or need.
Separate yourself from the herd. Some people can not be saved. You can reach a hand out to someone who is drowning, but not everyone will grab your hand.
Sometimes law enforcement will give you a misdemeanor for doing so.
In those times ask yourself - what would Jesus do?
Your heart will know what to do. Listen to it. <3 _/\_ XOXO

Civil War photo from Jackson Mississippi
from youtube video 9 Things you don't know about Jackson Mississippi - YouTube
you can watch the video below.
You can find the offspring of the U.S. Cavalry horses in kill pens - many have shipped to slaughter. #EndKillPens
