Here is our prayer list... <3 _/\_ Lord if this WAS the mark of the beast, many had NO IDEA...please LORD forgive their souls..and have mercy in Jesus name we pray. If it wasn't the mark of the beast, please open everyone's eyes so they may avoid a life of damnation if they receive the mark- if it is Jesus will, we pray in Jesus name, LORD HEAR OUR PRAYERS. AMEN. <3 _/\_
The #VaccineDamaged have names, faces and stories to tell. LOOK AT THEM, LISTEN...XOXO

Some people are harder to forgive then others...especially those who specifically DAMN the unvaccinated, then die after getting the vaccine, but we forgiver her too. <3 -/\_ She may be having a difficult time trying to scale those pearly gates, that is between her and GOD nothing the "tribe" can do for her now, except mourn her passing.

We pray for our Patriots, so they may get the strength, protection and power from our LORD to end this madness, and PROTECT OUR CHILDREN, in Jesus name we pray, if it is your will let it be. AMEN. <3 -/\_

Update 10/6/21 Another death of a 30 year old lady dies from clots after taking the vaccine.
