Frank Stronach - a billionaire whose daughter now owns Santa Anita Park, Gulfstream Park, Pimlico, Laurel Park & Maryland Jockey Club who hires 5 Stones/Hisa.
Frankie owns - 30,000 Acres located in central Florida - his acreage would provide plenty of room - HELL - just 1,000 of his 30,000 Acres - if lent for the season - to the now homeless 100,000 people who once lived in Fort Meyers, Punta Gorda & Sanible Island.
Imagine if he let everyone just pitch a tent - imagine if he worked with Red Cross - opened up his land and they brought food, tents, blankets, pillows and clothes.
They could also stage volunteers there to help with the clean up, or hire people and stage workers. Not too sure the government is winning fans and influencing anyone to volunteer at this point, it seems volunteers are getting mad as hell - especially when they are forced to stop what they are doing to help - so the Governor can get in and take his photo ops.
Anyways it would be cool if Frank Stronach opened up his 30,000 acres in Adena Springs.
But he's NO #HurricaneIanHero and this post is simply to point out that HE COULD HELP OUT A WHOLE LOT - BUT HE DOESN'T. And we see everything. XOXO

Should Foreigners be able to own land?
What if Ron DeSantis has used that money to bus the people from Fort Myers to Fort McCoy instead of playing games with immigrants and human trafficking for Gov Greg Abott who dropped the dam and killed some of our rescuers and many on our list needing rescue in Port Arthur?
What if Frank Stronach opened up his home in Fort McCoy.
Well they didn't, they don't and they won't. It takes complete coordination and a complete 100% unwillingness to help among all 700 billionaires in the United States for tragedies of this magnitude to hurt the victims this much. Without the billionaires complete consent (and silence is consent) - these people would never suffer this bad. We see you. XOXO

The Censorship is real.
I started a thred and yet again it disappeared and never posted.
I took a screen shot. XOXO

Only a man who opens up his 30,000 acres or even 1,000 of them should bare his chest in public, no?

Okay, it is time for this blogger to get all Fiddler on a Roof on ya... :)
If I were Frank Stronach...with a net worth of $3 billion.
I would open up the back 40 - or in his case, the back 1,000 acres - he owns 30,000 acres, so this would leave him with 29,000 acres still - not a small parcel of land.
With the 1,000 Acres I would eventually be donating as part of a ten year plan - I would do as follows.
I would build a theme park - using Disney as a reference - something along those lines. A family friendly venue with hotels & theme parks. I would hire the people of Ft Myers to fill the jobs, from gardeners to hotel workers, to managers & theme park engineers, ride designers, theme park visionaries, etc. I would let people work in different roles, in different positions, with different opportunities posted daily as positions and jobs are created and needed, everyone would get a paycheck at the end of every shift, they would be able to cash the moment they got it at a bank I created to cash it. They could use this money to buy food, or go out to eat, or pay bills, whatever they needed it for, creating instant cash flow.
I would build 3D printed tiny homes, for $5,000 each. If anyone worked for me for ten years they would be able to own their own home - Grandfathered in. Same thing with my bar and bank managers, they would then own their respective banks and bars - and retail stores, my goal with that back 40 or 1,000 acres in this case would be the end game of self sufficiency and home ownership for those working for me.
An example of a $4,000 3d Printed Home built in 24 hours.
During my "photo ops" I would not be standing around talking about what I was going to do, I would be showing you the impressive and epic structures and foundations I built the day before. #OneLove XOXO
As we prospered I would then open another 1,000 acres for management to build better homes, and to create an atmosphere of upward mobility - so as people gained tenure they can move into bigger and better houses, being built in the community - again the building of these homes and buildings would create jobs - with the goal of everyone eventually moving up onto these 1,000 acres.
This would then free up their former tiny homes, and jobs - for the inevitable next storm to pass through...and then I'd open up the next 1,000 acres, and so on and so forth - each time I would be gaining incredible venues to entertain myself and my guests - at theme parks, restaurants, fast food places, parks etc - all built to my own exacting standards. It would be a win win for everyone. After all that I would STILL have 27,000 acres to build or sell and would have exponentially exploded the value of those acres, simply by the fact I am in close proximity to the epic and amazing town I just built. If I were a Rich Man (or woman)...XOXO
I would also open up 100 acres to rescue.
I'd build pole barns to house the dogs, cats and horses and I'd post the jobs and shifts required (in small increments and big increments 2 hour shift pays $18 an hour or $20 an hour for 8 hours cleaning cages and horse stalls etc) just every job that needed doing and it's pay rate - then the workers get a check at the end of the shift, so everyone is getting paid, the work is getting done - and the animals are well care for, fed, walked, played with, and I'd have pole barns just set up with computer labs and computer people - I'd have them using social media to promote the theme parks, and find homes for the adoptable animals, you would not see an ad for a ride at the them park without also seeing an ad for an adoptable dog cat or horse. Some of the animals would be grandfathered in to the rescue, either after being there for 6 months or being of a certain age or health score. I'd have vets hired on staff, and hire hourly vets as needed - with a high rate of pay aiming at retention.
So anytime a storm hit, any time any place any where I would have land, pole barns, kennels - and a computer staff ready to facilitate any disaster and make sure not one single hair on any of the animals was harmed and not one was euthanized, there would be no need for peta, aspca or the red cross.
If they want to maintain the illusion they are "helping" then that's on them - or the people they have cheated to address.
But the need that is there, for all those claiming they are being starved out, or for those who are thirsty or want work, would be addressed STAT, and people and animals would be treated with the respect they deserve and prosper under my leadership.
Anyone of retirement age would have a retirement community of tiny homes, with a pool and mini golf course and bus shuttles, and all kinds of fun activities to keep them happy. They would just be grandfathered in from the beginning, no need to stress out the survivors when there is plenty to go around.
Now if they want to help on the other hand, we welcome their experience and of course have jobs for them as well. If on the other hand, they are just plain exhausted and want to rest, well then we have beds and plenty of sunshine, pools and peanuckle.
A thriving life for our Seniors is another key part of the #EndGame to maintain the staff and to keep retention, we want to create paradise on Earth, where people can own in it and want to stay and retire.
The sun will rise always does...#OneLove <3 _/\_ XOXO