Until then it is the same old khabuki theater.
Twitter took down MY Twitter account @annlaitinen that had saved 2,500 lives during Harvey and was easily on track to save all 5,000 in the next day or two when Google dropped our Maps, Twitter locked my account, and Gov Abbott released the dam killing one of our rescuers and many on our map needing rescue.
I ONLY used that account to save lives during Harvey and had opened it many years earlier, my first tweet was our list of people needing emergency SOS rescue to Trump.
He could have swooped in like a hero and saved ALL OF THEM. My tweets over the course of the next five days to Trump and the White House went entirely ignored while we came together to do the rescuing. I did logistics for that event, of which they are on that Twitter account. I have proof of the events that unfolded during those days, including the map - all stored in locations across the country as evidence should anything happen to me or anyone working with me or their friends or families.
They took down my account and left up accounts reported to Twitter stealing my Deceased Mom's identity even though I sent her obituary and the photo they used was in that as proof. They left up accounts stealing my identity to embarrass and discredit me.
Until you see that account back up, just know this TOO is just smoke and mirrors, the trolling may be getting worse on Twitter but free speech is not back. It is not back until I get that account back, and all the others who were speaking out against war, vaccines, Jeffrey Epstein and any other cause deemed worthy of censorship by the communists who control Twitter.
Twitter has blood on it's hands and profiting billions off Elon Musk's dumb ass was NOT the justice most of us had in mind. DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH JUSTICE. DO NOT. THIS IS NOT JUSTICE OUR ACCOUNTS ARE NOT RESTORED AND THE CRIMINALS ARE PROFITING MASSIVELY. MAKE NO MISTAKE. Twitter is going down like FB and Elon Musk just moved in like a bitch and bought a sinking ship, KNOWING it is sinking, look at Facebook TANKING NOW and Twitter is going down WORSE! Wait and see...XOXO
Twitter is a lot like the worthless horses bought for millions at Keeneland Sales that end up earning a hundred thousand dollars. It's not about the horses, and it's NOT about Twitter, is it money laundering? You tell me?

Not a fan of the DHS, or any government entities that need to be theoretically "drained"
yet isn't it odd they are identifying Twitter censorship as a "threat to National Security" as I also have.
Why are they not censored - as I was? Why didn't Twitter make the DHS delete this https://twitter.com/annlaitinen
Why hasn't Elon Musk restored it???
It is a free country if someone wants to pay a billion dollars for a painting from Hunter Biden because of it's perceived value, or if someone wants to buy a horse bred by George Soros SF Bloodstock for a million dollars because of it's perceived value and the painting later ends up in the garbage or the horse does, like has happened at Monmouth Park - who are we to judge they tell us?
Perhaps we should really be looking closer at these things though, no?

It's "funny" how Lisa Lazarus personally called those of us who want to #EndHorseRacing the "Enemy" and NOW wants us to use our tax dollars to pay her salary and the $72 million dollar a year HISA cost, they want to make the public pay for.
You got to be kidding me right? I AM NOT PAYING FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXO

And Frank Stronach's trainer Jerry Hollendorfer had another horse drop in California, not at his daughter's track though - at Los Al.
You won't hear PETA and the Stronach's bring that up though...XOXO

Why doesn't the media mention the fact that Hollendorfer is HIRED by Frank Stronach - the Stronach Group former owner and Dad of owner Belinda Stronach???
Strange they play to the public image every time.

What does it say about HIll n Dale horse breeders that they are selling horses to Jerry Holldendorfer who was banned from Santa Anita Park over alleged animal cruelty???
Dennis January paid $75,000 for "January Magic" who died training at Los Al, only winning $500.
A cool profit of $75,000 for HIll N Dale breeders. Another notch in the dead horse belt for Jerry Hollendorfer.

Did Frank Stronach ask Jerry Hollendorfer to be the "Fall Guy" for the dead horses at Santa Anita? Was that the agreement he had with him, to save face for his daughter Belinda Stronach who now owns Santa Anita Park where over 49 horses dropped dead in one year? Is he paying him to take the fall AND train his horses???
While Hollendorfer is a schmuck whose horses drop like flies, so is Bob Baffert and he has not been banned by Santa Anita Park, only the CHRB and that ban is now lifted even though they said previously if he was banned by the NYRA or KHRC they would reciprocate and he is still banned by Churchill Downs and NYRA - yet NOT CHRB.
Meaning Bob Baffert can race in California but not in Kentucky at Chruchill Downs or in New York for now.
It is all Khabuki theater they control the opposition.
They ALWAYS control the opposition. ALWAYS. Sometimes it seems like they are helping your cause or on your side, that I assure you IS NOT THE CASE - they are CO OPTING, like BLM when they took the money they raised and bought homes with it to discredit the movement. Like Antifa throwing bricks and burning down buildings, to discredit the movement, make you lose the public's support. Like Hollendorfer horses dropping ever so timely to make the public HATE RACING. The media being right there to report it while conveniently NEVER MENTIONING "Miss Mercken's" death in Indiana owned by Maggi Moss and trained by Tom Amoss. One has to wonder about that? XOXO
