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When We Count Our Blessings - We Find We Have Everything We Need XOXO

This morning my heart is full of gratitude, for the beauty and wonder GOD has surrounded us with, I am grateful for the strangers who lend a helping hand, each hand joined to weave a better world in this tapestry of life.

I am grateful for the knowledge from our Elders, who are working hard to pass down this knowledge. I came across this video yesterday and it seems the path to making America Great has already been paved, we just need to turn around and go back in time - do things they way we once did - unrevolutionize.

While these mining camps - provided the jobs in the Appalachia area, when they were done - they destroyed the land and the beauty of the Appalachian resident's homes - clear cutting the gorgeous trees - scalping the once majestic mountain tops. A cancer on the Earth. They did the same thing to the miner's that they did to the Native American's - using the company store - to rob them blind. Imagine how pristine the Appalachian's would be now without the logging and coal industry - who left behind destitute workers with no jobs and no resources.

Now we are standing at the crossroads - are we going to let them clear cut the rest of the mountain, like they did the old growth trees - the large Redwoods/Chestnut Trees - no longer lining the mountains of the East Coast - like you see in California? Or do we stand up and send them Green Bay Packing? We grow apples and learn trades and take back our own way of life.

The NWO is actively working to starve us out, they have poured oil into our once great fishing spots, and shrimping zones - they have poisoned our tuna w/ mercury, and given our birds the flu, they have killed countless deer and millions of buffalo, and now food processing plants are exploding on a routine basis. We might possibly be the first humans in history to die on fertile land of starvation.

Our survival skills have been brainwashed out of us, that is why they re-educated the Native Americans, and that is why they seperated us, while "integrating" us - in the 50's and 60's the Powers That Be in those days were hell bent on forcing black children into white schools against both sides wishes, but they were hell bent on segregating the Indians. They spoke over 170 different languages at my school - that is how many different nationalities they felt was necessary to integrate us with, and NOT ONE OF THEM spoke Dakota, Creek, or Cherokee NOT ONE.

Why were the Jews given their own schools, and the Native Americans pushed out onto reservations - if diversity was the end game? Why do they want the Native Americans as far away from the white population as possible while actively pushing open borders and Africans - who don't speak English into our schools and neighborhoods?

Are they afraid of what will happen if we all start comparing notes, if the miners and the Indians all realize the company store and the fur traders and the U of MN was the one causing them all to fail, and become indebted to them. The ones crushing their chances for a good life free of debt, the ones pushing liquor onto people?

If we are going to make the Appalachians great again, or the reservations or anywhere in America for that matter - our main focus needs to be on securing our borders, keeping drugs out, and sobering up our people. As it stands entire communities are destroyed by drugs and poverty - they go hand in hand. We need treatment centers - the kind that actually work - there has been much success when horses are used in conjunction with treatment and those without skills have learned a trade - such as caring for horses, or you could learn plumbing, cabinet making, electrician work, horse shoeing, gardening etc - everyone should come out of treatment with a trade and a good job with one solid foot on the ground ready to start a new life.

What if we sobered everyone up, and they found their way back to GOD? What if we all worked together - to clean this mess up? What if we all thrived in the process and saved our souls and made GOD proud?

The steps are simple.

  1. Sober everyone up and teach them all a trade.

  2. Work together to rebuild our communities and town.

  3. Buy and grow locally everything we need (food clothes etc).

  4. Shut down - the things in our community that are not serving us, such as drug dealers, company stores, mines, trains etc.

  5. Grow the police department - keep it honest and humble and judicial - seek justice at all costs.

  6. Celebrate the victories, big and small, have Sunday brunches and lunches after chuch with fresh locally grown food for picnics - nourish each others bodies and souls.

  7. Take care of the animals, feed the birds, deer, and wildlife where needed. Grow flowers and add beauty to the landscape and clean up all trash.

  8. Love.

  9. Rewind the clock - throw out the "smart phones" and social media, and go back to social gatherings and family time.

  10. Pray - this one should definitely be first and foremost. Pray and put your faith in GOD. He can do things we can't.

  11. Take care of your elders.

  12. Be grateful.

We being this morning with a prayer. #OneLove XOXO

And a message or a road map - from the "Greatest Generation" - if you listen you can hear everything we need to do, to retrace our steps back in time - and the skills we need to all learn to survive the hard times that will fall upon us with grace and if we do this we can face the storms as skilled sailors with full confidence in our abilities to navigate our challenges.

For some reason I can not link the video - please go to youtube directly this is 100% MUST SEE video. This is what we need to use as a map - we need to list out all these skills - and hear what he is saying and follow this road map back in time - and that is how we MAGA - we don't need Trump and Biden is useless and criminal, we NEED EACH OTHER. Love and Prayer. XOXO

They grew their own chickens, they rarely killed them. They used them for eggs which they ate and bartered with.

They made soap, quilts, baskets, furniture and they were able to trade these things at the company store. We need someone to control the company store who is honest and just, this position is as important as any Justice of the Peace, or Judge. Keep it honest at all costs.

They made their milk and their own butter.

They used the mills to ground up the corn and then made it into a flour that they used to make fresh corn bread. They bagged up the flour and used what they didn't need for barter.

Shoeing horses

If they needed it, they could make it or repair it - or their neighbors could.

He said he saw his Grandmother chop a lot of wood, to warm their home. She could chop as good as a man.

Biscuit making on a wood stove.

These wood stoves get hot - 85 degrees in the winter in a living room/kitchen.

The heat relaxes your muscles, like a day in the sun at the beach, very different heating experience from a fire place, there is MUCH MORE heat from a wood stove. This is imperative for cold climates.

Hand washing their clothes.

Kids are all a part of the process, they learn these jobs and skills at a young age.

People of all races settled in these mountains.

Boys learned to hunt at a young age.

If there was nothing else to eat they hunted.

A box of shells was prolly a lot cheaper in those days too.

And they showed up for church and baptized people in the creeks up and down the Appalachian mountains.

The mountains also had talented musicians and good times.

Taking care of their elders.

They learned to become healers - the Native Americans taught them how to use plants to heal. Pictured here a mountain man with his ginsing.

Making Baskets.

Growing and picking apples :)


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