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Who is evacuating the racehorses from Delta and Evangeline Downs as Hurricane IDA Cat 5 approaches?

It's not like they don't have somewhere to go...


Instead of simply relocating the horses in the path of a 9-11 foot storm surge, which will surely drown them, and moving them to Delaware, they let them shelter in place, I don't know that for sure, but I have not seen a single article in Paulick Report, Bloodhorse, CNN, FOX etc. showing any of them being safely evacuated prior to the monster of a hurricane Category 5 rolling in.

But right now it is not the horses I am worried about, it is the elderly, the handicapped, those who will be drowning shortly, as this monster rolls in. Evacuations were WEAK AF. I blame Biden administration for this. None of the emergency evacuation procedures already in place were followed in Louisiana. Whose fault is that? All hell is going to break loose in the very near future. All radar and intel is showing.

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