I have no soliciting signs, and he didn't leave a note. I also received harassing phone calls and reviews to my business after he left...who is he???
Date Friday 4/8/22 Time 11:37 A.M.
Any info please send to ItsHorseStuffMichael@Gmail.com ASAP. Thank you! XOXO

He has an uncanny resemblance to Gargamel from the Smurfs, no? XOXO

Update: 4/11/22
I received a reply this morning. This man is NOT affiliated with Tartan hockey as his jacket implies. It is also worth noting the school it represents is over an hour away from my house and you would have to cross multiple counties to get to it. It is definitely NOT in my county.
They have said this man is NOT affilated with TARTAN HOCKEY as the jacket implies. Official response from most credible source. XOXO
I am blocking the email address to respect the privacy of the sender.

Update: 4/13/22 Wednesday at 12:30 P.M. Spotted the creeper at my door again...XOXO
He is no longer wearing his "Tartan Hockey Jacket" XOXO
