Anyone who follows horse racing, by now must feel justice against the cheaters is impossible. Justice against those who make a living off of their horses then coldly leave them to the meat man. NEVER HAPPENS. Justice against those who drug their horses and cheat their fellow players and those who place bets on them. NEVER HAPPENS.
So to see our justice system in motion was kind of astounding and dumbfounding to me all at the same time. I almost thought it didn't exist. How is it possible, they were able to reel in the cheating fisherman and slap them w/ so many charges, and at the same time entirely turn a blind eye to the cheating and evil horsemen and women??? How can it be???
For a look at what justice actually looks like, for those of you who may be in the horse racing community and are not familiar with the concept, just take a look at what the fishermen were charged with.

Now that you saw how easy that was, to charge the cheating fisherman who put weights in their fish during a fishing tournament - you have to wonder why horse racing doesn't do it?
Isn't the failure to bring the cheaters to justice, not only cheating the horses they race against, who may end up in a kill pen as a result of losing, also cheating rival jockeys, trainers and owners, and all those who place bets on them. Not reigning in the cheaters creates victims of all the above mentioned players.
You can see why they self regulate the fishing tournaments, no? That is what self regulation looks like, someone stood up and called out the cheaters and proved it right there, point blank, could you imagine someone just grabbing someone's needles or a video camera and filming the backside and turning over the cheaters in horse racing in front of everyone on Derby Day? I guess that would be one way to get people's attention again, but for now, you have lost it, there is no longer even an illusion of any sort of regulation and HISA has not changed anything for the better in that regards. XOXO