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Why Does Horse Racing Wrongs Continually Mislead People to Think Horse Racing is only $2 bets?

I have personally corrected Patrick Butuello, who seems to keep such excellent stats on horse racing - yet always comes to the same narrative of $2 bets. Telling the same lie over and over and over doesn't make it true. I should know - I have had endless lies and rumors spread about me, that have been told and told, spread and spread, and after all this time, they are still not true, and each day the dumb dumbs who spread and believed those lies, are learning they were lied to, played the fool - and the consequences are monumental.

We know gamblers in debt over $40,000 from a single transaction - we KNOW they lost money and are suing Bob Baffert over the "Medina Spirit" dq - that never properly paid out the actual "winners" who bet on the 2nd horse costing them tens of thousands of dollars. They are not suing Bob Baffert over $2 only. We have all heard of stories of down on their luck gamblers who lost their house, wife, dog, and knee caps. They "had a rash of bad luck" many have lost their lives. This isn't over $2.

We know - the Stronach's own gambling syndicates that control wagering - even AFTER the race have started - which have a direct effect on the odds/payout already wagered before the start of the race, often times if not always favoring the casinos - often times many of which are ALSO owned by the Stronach's. We have heard of Mattress Mack - a member of the Jockey Club - making million dollar bets, and big time horse owners with gambling problems who lost million dollar horses.

I have personally heard stories directly from horse racing jockeys - who are abused after losing races, they are physically attacked - brutally hurt. They have recanted their stories almost like a confession to a Priest, for some reason I have that effect on people when we share a drink or two. I don't know why - I never ask questions i don't want to know the answers to, but for some reason - for so many people - they seem to just want to get things off their chest and find me a friendly face to listen. Someone who will care. I do care.

So why is Patrick Batuello - STILL TO THIS DAY - pumping the idea this is only over $2 bets, it's over criminal syndicates - using these entities - horse tracks, and casinos to launder money and to cheat their clientele, he is the ONLY person EVER interviewed by the media. I double dog dare ANYONE in the Jewish owned media - the Kosher news - horse racing or sports - to interview me, and play it public. I dare you. XOXO

Baffert is getting sued by a bettor who lost $2,000 - currently and this is in the news, so why is Patrick Batuello still insinuating - these are $2 bets. What a crock of shit. Horses routinely sell for millions, yet make very little in return. We have documented hundreds of these cases. It is admitted across the industry this is the case. Time to tell the truth Patrick Bateullo, why don't you write about how the Stronach's are gaming the system, explain the technicalities behind the Caw's - why don't you. I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU PATRICK! XOXO

It's "Funny" how like HRW - and Paulick Report - won't post my comments, - neither will Horse Racing Wrongs.

For example this comment. I posted prior to writing this article calling Patrick out on the disinfo on the $2 bets, and saw the comment wasn't posted, so I elaborated - he got the message. Don't hold your breath waiting for him to take down the CAW's though. Is it possible he works for them? Why wouldn't he write about it, or let the comments post?

Stronach owns the C.A.W. (Computer Assisted Wagering / horse player) and the casino - imagine playing blackjack against a bunch of Casino employees. Not only does the DEALER work for the Casino, but so do the other players - who would do that??? As they saying goes - if you can't spot the sucker - in the first half hour at the table - YOU ARE THE SUCKER!!! XOXO

Theoretically, you could go to a Stronach owned racetrack such as Laurel Park, or Pimlico, or Gulfstream Park in Florida, or Santa Anita Park in California, and place a bet on a horse named "Jane Doe" - at 4 to 1 odds, the horse can lead the pack - after the bell has rung, and the race has started, you as a non computer assisted wagerer can NOT place a bet after the race has started, but the CAW's can see in real time, "Jane Doe" take the lead - and instantly bet - often times AFTER the race has started, and now your odds change to 25-1 based on the amount bet by the Caw's which are owned by the casino's which are the ones who have to PAY YOU. You just went from 4 - 1 payout to 25-1 - now if you bet thousands this is a HUGE DEAL. If you bet $2 who cares. Whoop E. Ding. Do the math. Set the records straight. Call out disinfo.

For so long, the bettors have said they hold the cards and the power - because the purses come from their bets - this is true, the purses pay the winning race horses - the owners, who then pay the trainers who then pay the grooms, hot walkers etc. When the purse is made with bets - from the CAW's (Four Computer Assisted Wagering Syndicates) - which 2 of the four - so HALF of the CAW's are owned by the Stronach Group (Laurel Park, Pimlico, Maryland Jockey Club, Gulfstream Park, Santa Anita Park and more racetracks owned by Stronach Group) and Churchill Downs - which owned Arlington Park (now closed) and Churchill Downs (Kentucky Derby) and Fairgrounds in Louisiana - what effect does this have on the total purse money? When the casino is betting against live horse players using Computers - who often wait until after the race is started to adjust the odds on bets already placed by regular non computer assisted players? How can Pimlico rebuild itself if all of it's profits are coming from bets placed by their owner the Stronach Group? Isn't this some kind of gambling addiction - horror story - when the Casino itself is so badly dilipated it's toilets spray it's own esteemed guests with dirty Baltimore toilet water at the Preakness, one of America's most esteemed Triple Crown races? Isn't that rock bottom, for the Stronach's as gamblers on their own races at their own tracks that things have fallen so low? DO they need an intervention? Who has the balls to give them one? Not the horse racing media they sponsor such as the Paulick Report- don't bite the hand that feeds you, even if it is a cancer amongst you lol. XOXO

These are the censorship issues I deal with, if Trump or Alex Jones, or Patrick Butuello, or Peta, or Biden, or Joe Rogan, or anyone else you think is "telling the truth" and has a huge following - is not facing this problem - they are controlled opposition. Think about it, why would the powers that be, work so hard to censor and control me, and let them slide?

Oldies but goodies #MemoryMemes XOXO

Related Headlines (examples of "Post-Race Betting" as they call it.

The Computer Assisted Wagering 4 syndicates - two of which are owned by the majority of the major racetracks themselves - are owned by Churchill Downs and Stronach Group.

They are what is driving people away from betting. The syndicates bring NOTHING to the game, they are owned by the racetrack.

The money is coming from the suckers at the table - the horse players - punters - who bring actual cash value to the game - who are cheated on every level.

That money then goes to the purse - which pays everyone else - owners, trainers, hot walkers, Hay Farmers, yada - yada - yada. So the money is dwindling - because of the CAW's hence the collapse of the industry. Starting with the Horse Players - disgusted by the CAW's - taking advantage of them, and walking away. They are the purse. The purse has left. No purse- no sport. It's that simple. The Caw's can't play the casinos without the horse players present because they are the same entity pulling from the same pool of money. XOXO

Where is the money for the purses REALLY coming from? Not the CAW's which account for 1/3 of the betting which are owned by Churchill and Stronach. Who eats those losses?

If the future of horse racing - as the Horse Racing Nation - article cited above - says it does - "hangs in the balance of Computer-Assisted-Wagering (CAW'S) - then horse racing is dead in the water. CAW's are just a fancy way of saying the Casino (Churchill or Stronach) betting against itself. That is not profitable. IT can't be - by definition. As they say "There's no future in your fronting."

So - now that we know that is not the source of horse racing's income, then it is the bettor and the tax payer. More often than not the tax payer. XOXO



Open Question To All In Horse Racing @ #IAmHorseRacing -

How are you going to get the rich folks in racing to fund After Care - when they will NOT even fund their own purses??? They expect the tax payer to fund the purse, which - will then trickle down to all the expenses involved in owning a racehorse, from the saddle, to the silks, to the jockey, to the trainer, to the hay. Yet none of it trickles down to After Care EVER.

If they are not even willing to fund all the above mentioned entities out of their own pockets, and instead rely on winnings from purses (gambling dollars) and tax payer dollars to fund their "hobby" - how can we expect them to pony up for aftercare? If a man isn't willing to pay for his own golfcart, clubs, tee time, and country club tab, how can we expect him to pay for the clean up after everyone has left and the party is over?


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